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  1. I have been researching ways to add sound to my layout without having to spend £100+ per loco for decent sound decoders. I googled and discover the Virtual Sound Decoder section on JMRI where you can assign a sound profile to a loco and it will play all the sounds that a actual sound decoder could play. Has anybody used that before and can anybody advise where I can get the required sound files for different loco's? Thanks.
  2. I've found a different motor that would fit even better. Ordered all the bits I need so will see how things work out.
  3. I bought an old Lima HST and decided to give the motor a service. I recon this train is as old as I am and the Brushes crumbled when I took them out. On googling for some replacements I found several people replaces the motor core with a DC motor from a CD drive. These isn't much information about what motors are used so I had a search and found these. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2PCS-RC300-6000RPM-DC-1-5-9V-Micro-Motor-for-CD-DVD-Player-PK/332261451371?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 These were listed on the Hornby forum as being used by some people. The size seems good but I am concerned about the voltage rating. Its says it's up to 9V. I don't know what speed these run at compared to the old pancake motor and I believe I an limit the speed using the correct CV. What do people think? Thanks.
  4. Has anybody got any experience of the DCC Concepts Zen decoders with the slimline stay alive? Their website has examples of the Super Stay Alive but not much is mentioned about the slimline one that comes with the decoders. Just wondering how well the standard stay alive's work and if they were worth it. Thanks
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