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Everything posted by RedGemAlchemist

  1. How does what you have relate to what I have to work with? Not to sound like a jerk so sorry if that's how it sounds, just that statement slightly confused me. Still, the D49 is a nice locomotive so I'm happy for you. Secondly, the issue is less finding a wheel arrangement that'll fit (though that is a bit of an issue as it actually has a shorter body than Geoffrey Lake) and more finding a chassis that it won't immediately just slide over and rest on the floor with because of how wide it is.
  2. Tank. Mastodon is the extended Hornby Dublo starter tank I first mentioned in Post 120. Because of its size and my limited materials I can't find anything in my collection that fits properly.
  3. Right. Onward to working on Mastodon again, and I have an idea. Thanks to uax6 I have three lots of cylinders and outside motion. I also have a motor with no pickups. However, I also have a Nellie with pickups but an iffy motor, as well as the front bogie from the B12 that became Wild Rover. Is there any historical precedent for a four-coupled heavy goods loco? Fishing for ideas as Mastodon has proven... problematic... and I'm not sure what to do with it.
  4. I intended something similar to Times New Roman, in gold. So it matches the font on the name and number plates. However, I'm terrible with decals and even worse at freehanding letters or consistently writing. So I'm a teeny bit stuck with the lettering for the time being unless I can find a decent Times New Roman stencil with the letters the right size or plasticard letters in that font at a roughly 7mm height. Plus I haven't got much money atm. Kind of went on a bit of a blowout over the weekend as you may have noticed So not 100% sure at this exact time how I'll manage the lettering.
  5. And Wanderer is now painted. All it needs now is the numberplate, nameplate and lettering. Although getting lettering for the KLR might be difficult. The photo REALLY isn't flattering. But I am really proud of this little loco. Also, hopefully will be setting up a test track soon to try these locos out on.
  6. I like the new name. Much less of a mouthful than DoubleDeckInterurban. Says the man who's username is based on an esoteric personal reference.
  7. Congratulations, Mr. Alchemist! It's a 14xx! Wanderer (name subject to change) has arrived. And I will not change it at all bar the livery. A nice coat of KLR goods black with some brass trim and that's it. I love the 14xx too much to possibly hack it up. Now I need to figure out how to remove the body shell to repaint it. Also a couple other items. An extra Nellie for spares for Bulldog (just in case), a broken D-class for parts, and a spare Triang Jinty (below) with working chassis which I'll do... something with. I don't know yet.
  8. Funny you should say that considering Geoffrey Lake is a converted Hornby Thomas on a Triang Jinty chassis . But yeah, thank you. I'm very pleased with it myself.
  9. As someone who also works with old Triang stuff, I shall be watching this with considerable interest...
  10. In the words of Ace Ventura, "LIKE A GLOVE!" Geoffrey Lake now has a chassis, but it does sit slightly high on it - though not so much that I can't live with it. Now to fit its cylinders and work out how to fit the pickups. Also, I have no idea if the chassis is the right way around as I have no way of testing it.
  11. And I got a nice little box of goodies in the post today! A nice Triang 2-6-2T chassis (ponies removed), an Airfix 2-6-2T chassis (no motor or pickups), two Lima tenders (tender drive ones, first time I've had those), a Triang 0-6-0T chassis (perfect size for Geoffrey Lake, just need to make space in the cab for the motor and remove the front weight) a baggie full of parts for cylinders and motion, pickups for the 0-6-0T (which I have no idea how to attach) and a totally empty Triang Nellie chassis. Brilliant! Thanks a bunch uax6, you are officially AWESOME!
  12. Alnerwick update. It now has a pair of goods sheds and some additional goods sidings, also a crane. If it's going to be dealing with additional traffic to do with the quarry then it will need the room.
  13. Hmm. Note to self: use Peco Code 100. I have none of these locos, but hopefully I now have something to make Mastodon actually run, courtesy of uax6. Hope the Naismith-Wilsons go well, Chris!
  14. And jackpot! Just got my hands on a stupid cheap 14xx off eBay to top off a pretty good day! Welcome to the KLR clan, No.6 Wanderer! The one locomotive I really wanted in unmodified form and I have it three weeks after I start this. BOOM. (I say "unmodified" but you know what I mean. It'll end up in KLR black.)
  15. OK, so this is what we have for Alnerwick so far. Using a stripped-down Aylsham (Bure Valley Railway) for the basis because I liked the general layout. I can save Holme Hale for Elmtree Heath once I can find some good aerial shots. So as always, if anyone has any ideas feel free to say! PS. Also just ordered my nameplates and numberplates from Narrow Planet, as well as won an eBay auction for a couple of useful items.
  16. No, I don't. Can't find a good overhead photo of Holme Hale station when there was still track. So, I need some suggestions for Alnerwick Quarry and I need to think of an alternative station basis.
  17. We all have backlogged projects. I still have no way of finishing Peter for example as I still need a L&YR Pug chassis and cab for it. Also, any ideas for a small quarry with railway lines to use as a basis for Alnerwick Quarry's layout? Think I have Alnerwick station though...
  18. Probably the fact I do tend to work at an absolutely breakneck pace.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engine_balance#Steam_locomotives This should help explain what I mean by that. Also wow, 10 pages already?
  20. Hmm. Maybe. Not exactly in the way of doing mockup requests though, sorry. This thread was more to throw my own ideas up onto the internet for people more talented than I to try if they so wish (or laugh at) and to clear the air in my head a bit.
  21. Hmm. Decisions, decisions. Thing is I like it to be an 0-6-0T. It's what I consider the quintessential mixed-traffic tank wheel arrangement. That or 0-4-2T. I'm hoping to possibly make Mastodon an 0-6-2T though, bring it back to its apparent mineral tank heritage as it's proving very difficult to make it an 0-8-0T like I'd wished. Set it running backwards and forwards hauling aggregates from Alnerwick Quarry to Kelsby Yard, or to Telham Yard if I have the room to make it. uax6 is providing a Triang Prairie chassis that should enable me to if I can work out how to fit a new front coupling. And assuming it fits, obviously.
  22. Thanks Corbs. I love the Hornby Thomas sculpt but I didn't want Geoffrey Lake to look like I'd just repainted a Thomas. I'm not that lazy . All I did was hack off the ends, file down the bunker and add the ends off the running plate of the same 101 I've already hacked to pieces. (Feel kind of sorry for the thing, I've hacked so much off it it's now just a cab front and tanks.) Hoping to also give it outside cylinders as I want to make it look even less Thomas-y, considering it'll very probably be an 0-6-0T. Only issue, as previously noted, is fitting a chassis as the running plate edit raises both buffer beams. I want this engine to look right, even more so than normal as I've given myself that emotional investment with that name. On the normal Thomas chassis I'd expect it to sit too high.
  23. Decided to turn this into a general topic to help people with identifying miscellaneous tank engine models, seeing as that's what it seems to be generally being used as and as my original query about what is now No.4 Mastodon on my work-in-progress Kelsby Light Railway has been answered. Pay it forward, people!
  24. Right. Not got a lot to work on at this exact moment and feeling motivated. Anyone got any suggestions for basis for Alnerwick and Alnerwick Quarry?
  25. So... let's have some random weirdness with A3s. Let's start with this. Basically a Gresley C9 with a lowered rear running plate. Then this. Think a standard locomotive version of Hush Hush. And finally... This. This. Whyte notation can take a hike. Hilariously impractical, and in my mind impractically hilarious. Feel free to question my sanity, and I do not at all expect anyone to actually try this; I just did it because it popped into my head and I thought it was funny.
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