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  1. No doubt as rare as a Jidenco/Falcon Brass 'Clan' kit!
  2. I have been trying to find out information on availability of a kit or parts for an ex-HR TPO vehicle. I understand 247 Developments were involved in producing some such thing a few years ago. It was acquired by Squires Tools apparently, but enquiries with them have so far produced no information. In my search on the 'Net, by accident I came across a Russian website - trainz-mp.ru - which featured such a model, and the relevant screen provided data which, it turns out, was related to 3D printing. The name linked to this project, if I remember correctly, was Paul Dobbs. Can anyone throw light on this matter, and give any indication as to whether this item still exists, and where?
  3. There is a photo of the down 'mail' on the Far North Line of the ex-HR. It is basically the 10.15am Inverness-Wick service, with the Highland TPO behind the train loco, followed by the restaurant car, then other passenger vehicles. The TPO would come off with the restaurant car at Helmsdale, or sometimes Dingwall (TPO only).
  4. A bit late to this thread, to say the least. But if no-one has said it so far, the Highland TPO was usually attached to the Inverness-Wick/Thurso service, and came off, with the restaurant car, at Helmsdale. The process was reversed for the later 'up' train.
  5. On checking their website again, Isinglass D167 kit is described as a buffet/restaurant car. They also do a restaurant 1st open to D.3 4 262. and a restaurant (5-bay) 1st and unclassed to D.11. The photo (from a Highland Railway Society publication) I am basing my train consist on describes the second vehicle from the loco as a 'restaurant' car (you can tell it is a Gresley design). And as stated in the 'Backtrack' article mentioned in an earlier post. the catering car came off the Wick train at Helmsdale. So it is a bit difficult really to decide which diagram would be the right one from all the producers' kits available. I suppose I could play it safe, and go for the Isinglass D.167 buffet/restaurant anyway.
  6. Bucoops, Isinglass are basing their kit on D.167, but the drawings in my Jenkinson/Campling book, do not - disappointingly - give diagram numbers. So I am a bit lost here, albeit Steve Banks' website do give a few examples.
  7. I need to replicate the kind of Gresley Restaurant car used on the Inverness-Wick trains in the 1950's. Isinglass have produced kits of two types, but their diagram details seem at odds with similar cars in my 'Historic Carriage Drawings' book by Jenkinson & Campling. I have tried to ask Steve Banks via his website, but what on earth is Mallard's serial, you are required to fill in at the end of your query?? Can anyone help here?
  8. Found the thread of your K2 Build 'Mike', but lost track of my initial enquiry to you!!
  9. Mike don't know if you can help me. Some time ago, I found and followed the thread of someone called Loch Rannoch (I think), whose thread about building a LRM K2 kit I thought was very useful. I would like to access it again, as I now feel I may be ready to attempt the kit. Grateful for any help you could give. You, or anyone else can contact me on e-mail at i.ogden88@btinternet.com. Thanks.
  10. Looks like I will be searching for an August '94 Modellers Backtrack now then. Strange how the impromptu discovery of something can bring on thoughts of a new or different project! Ian O.
  11. Thanks for your prompt reply Angus. Sorry to hear things seemed to have stalled a little. I know you obtained a OS map which I think gave you some scale of things on the ground. Did you get any further detail on such things as station diagram/platform lengths for instance, at Killin Junction? It's a but difficult to work out the scale of things, although one could always hazard a guess, in comparison with train lengths for example. Likewise building dimensions for the main platform shelter. You are right though, in saying that Thompson coaches were available RTR; I am sure it was Hornby who produced them a few years ago, along with a number of Gresley suburbans. Comet do a few kits now though in etched brass, not the D361's, but fairly similar brake third types - D340 or 360 I think. That would mean honing my etched kit-building skills!
  12. PS Don't know where in Cardiff you are 65179, as that is where I am. Coming from Manchester, I noticed you are looking at the ex Manchester Central line as a project, yes?
  13. Really interesting thread Argos, despite the fact that I am a year or three late finding it. Which may be the reason I cannot access many of the photos - apart from those of Swiss Ernie, which are really nice colour shots. I lived in Scotland for nearly 10 years, although did not explore the area of the C&O route much, and by the time I got to Callander again years later, the station was long gone! You probably know, but parts of it feature in Rob Bell's 'Walking Britain's Lost Railways' programme on the route. A few clips in colour - albeit a bit fuzzy - of loco and trains in operation. A tempting potential project (although I am already working on another one). Maybe a micro layout, featuring just the branch platform at Killin Junction (the station would need about 20+ feet to do it justice in 4mm scale). I have found the Thompson 4/5-compt. brake 3rd. coach drawings in my Jenkinson and Camplings' Historic Carriage Drawings book. Useful for building a Comet kit or two/three, if Hornby or Bachmann don't produce one and/or the other. We'll see.
  14. I want to try using transfers to add numbers to a loco I am going to re-paint. I have never done this before, and if you don't do it right and get the level and spacing correct, it will look a mess. Can anyone give me some detailed pointers as to how I go about this, or maybe the source of an article on the subject (if it is still available)? Grateful for any advice and guidance on this.
  15. Only two years late (didn't realise Braynerts was on RM Web, until I recently re-read your item on the subject in Scalefour News). Nice, compact layout Paul. Pity I couldn't sccess the photos for some reason, unless many of them are time-expired.
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