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Posts posted by MacDuff999

  1. Mike don't know if you can help me. Some time ago, I found and followed the thread of someone called Loch Rannoch (I think), whose thread about building  a LRM K2 kit I thought was very useful. I would like to access it again, as I now feel I may be ready to attempt the kit. Grateful for any help you could give. You, or anyone else can contact me on e-mail at i.ogden88@btinternet.com. Thanks. 

  2. Thanks for your prompt reply Angus. Sorry to hear things seemed to have stalled a little. I know you obtained a OS map which I think gave you some scale of things on the ground. Did you get any further detail on such things as station diagram/platform lengths for instance, at Killin Junction? It's a but difficult to work out the scale of things, although one could always hazard a guess, in comparison with train lengths for example. Likewise building dimensions for the main platform shelter. You are right though, in saying that Thompson coaches were available RTR; I am sure it was Hornby who produced them a few years ago, along with a number of Gresley suburbans. Comet do a few kits now though in etched brass, not the D361's, but fairly similar brake third types - D340 or 360 I think. That would mean honing my etched kit-building skills!  

  3. Really interesting thread Argos, despite the fact that I am a year or three late finding it. Which may be the reason I cannot access many of the photos - apart from those of Swiss Ernie, which are really nice colour shots. I lived in Scotland for nearly 10 years, although did not explore the area of the C&O route much, and by the time I got to Callander again years later, the station was long gone! You probably know, but parts of it feature in Rob Bell's 'Walking Britain's Lost Railways' programme on the route. A few clips in colour - albeit a bit fuzzy - of loco and trains in operation.  A tempting potential project (although I am already working on another one). Maybe a micro layout, featuring just the branch platform at Killin Junction (the station would need about 20+ feet to do it justice in 4mm scale). I have found the Thompson 4/5-compt. brake 3rd. coach drawings in my Jenkinson and Camplings' Historic Carriage Drawings book. Useful for building a Comet kit or two/three, if Hornby or Bachmann don't produce one and/or the other. We'll see.    

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  4. I want to try using transfers to add numbers to a loco I am going to re-paint. I have never done this before, and if you don't do it  right and get the level and spacing correct, it will look a mess. Can anyone give me some detailed pointers as to how I go about this, or maybe the source of an article on the subject (if it is still available)? Grateful for any advice and guidance on this. 

  5. Although not a particularly regular customer, I did tend to make my way to Eileen's as one of the first and most important stops at shows they attended. I always had really good, friendly service from the staff, and will certainly miss the excellent range of products amd materials for the finer scale modeller. My best wishes - and thanks - to and for all who have been involved in such a fantastic business which has served our hobby.   

    • Agree 2
  6. As far as I understand it Ian, it Tom had alrady acquired 'Humber Dock'. If that is not the case, please let me know. I don't do social media, so cannot contact you directly without an e-mail address. I have always really liked the layout, and could be very interested, if it is still available. You can contact me direct if you wish at i.ogden88@btinternet.com

  7. Hi Ian, looks like I may have missed the boat - for the time being at least - as I have only just discovered this thread on your new chassis kit. Please let me know when you are likely to be ordering another batch of etches. I already had one of your BZ kits from you some time ago; not made much progress with it yet due to conetrating on loco kit building, and now layout wiring (somewhat slow as I have never done it before). Look forward to hearing from you.

  8. Apologies if I am back-tracking on this, some time after the thread was started, but I am on my first attempt at wiring a layout and a novice at doing layout electrics. For my sins, the layout includes a double slip, and I need some basic information/help in working out how to do it. If I use, say, Seep point motors, I presume they will a) move the relevant blades to the required position, b) provide the correct polarity at each 'frog', and c) they can be controlled by SPDT switches. Each stock/outer rail will need to be wired at its centre point in the slip configuration, as will each crossing 'V'. The 'V's are then connected to the SPDT switches yes? As you can work out from the above, I am looking for information/help on really basic stuff. 

  9. I have recently started building a DJH WD 2-8-0 kit, starting with the tender. It will be a fair weight when fully assembled, and I am not sure what size/type of motor would be needed for the loco (it will not be required to haul multi-wagon trains). Also, in assembling the tender chassis, it has not been easy to create the solder joints for the main white metal components. I have recently acquired a Antex soldering station, which seems to work well, but I am not sure what temperature I should set it at for safe white metal soldering with low-melt solder. I started at 120 degrees, but have nudged it up to 150, and I am not sure the joints are as strong as they might be, although the basic chassis does hold together alright so far!  Any tips here gratefully received. 

  10. From recent experience, I would agree with Cypherman. Part of the problem is that the later Wrenn (pre-Hornby plastic-bodied) versions have one or two refinements the H/D ones do not eg turned safety valves inserted into the forward edge of a better-looking cab roof. The body moulding seems a bit sharper too. There is a Wrenn Connoisseur website which features 'Coronation' models in excellent condition, and at pretty mind-blowing prices too - some of them. But they are nice, and start at about £179.   

    • Thanks 1
  11. Really quite late to this thread unfortunately, although aware of the layout. Looks fabulous, although I have not seen it in the 'flesh' so to speak. I would be Interested to know where Josh Will is located, as I am in the fastnesses of west Cardiff, a bit out on a limb rather from the areas which seem to constitute the core of finer-scale modelling in UK. I also have a hankering for a further north Scottish layout, and very much liked the erstwhile 'Kyle of Sutherland' layout, which apparently is no more. This, although my current layout project is based on an (ex-Caledonian) Edinburgh location. Nearly 10 years in the Scottish capital had more of an effect on my modelling inclinations than I realised. Although the appearance of the occasional Stanier Pacific is perhaps a seductive prospect, there is a certain attraction to some of the pre-Grouping locomotive types, and the prospect of modelling a more rural location. A 'less is more' approach to (hopefully) producing a better model railway.        

  12. Returned to the topic after a somewhat protracted absence; the weather here (S. Wales) has been and still is foul and very wet, and so little incentive to retire to the modelling table in the garage. Liked the look of your modified H/D loco Wolf - nice straight handrails and good-looking motion. I have, however, been doing a little with the DJH body and Comet smoke deflectors (recommended by Iain of the Motive Power for Camden thread), trying to get a nice straight handrail line from smokebox to firebox. Going back to nameplate length, P24 of the LMS Profiles book on the class shows the boiler clothing for non-streamlined locos with a nameplate approximately 6'3" long, its centre point just forward of the centre-line of the dome, and the front edge just over 4" forward of the 3rd boiler band. So it could be said a fair average length is c. 25mm., which seems a little short. I doubt the names for 46224 or 46256 would fit neatly into that length.  As with many aspects of achieving correct scale detail, I think good photographs will be the best guide, as long as you get a good view of the nameplate placement on the boiler clothing. 

  13. Little modelling done over the last several weeks - Christmas/New Year, and either pouring rain or brass monkey temperatures down kin the garage workshop. Some detail fettling done, however, at the table, and am looking at the possibility of replacing handrails and maybe smoke deflectors on the Wrenn 'Coronation' bodies. Anyone know how long the boiler side handrail pillars are? They look quite long in photos, so would they equate to Gibson long or medium h/r knobs? The relevant LMS Loco Profile volume doesn't include these in the excellent drawings featured in the book.    

  14. A bit of a disaster! Does anyone by any chance possess a spare double chimney for a DJH 'Coronation'? After an extended hiatus on the modelling front over the festive season etc., I seem to have lost the chimney for my 'Sir William Stanier'. As I am now at the body detailing stage, it will soon become a glaring omission, if I can't find the ****** thing. I am sure I will not be able to get one from DJH, as I did not buy my kit from them, and they won't usually provide spares unless you have. Comet have one in their range, but it is not a particularly good representation really.  If someone does have one they do not currently need, I will of course pay a reasonable price for it. 

  15. Starting to move on from the stage depicted in the initial photo above, I am now working out exact spacer positions and orientation, using your example build Mike, started on p.9 of the thread. Right at the tail end of the rear frame extensions, which will support the loco cab, there is a linear parallel slit about 5mm or so long. I cannot see it in any of the photos of your earlier stages build, or see how any part or frame support would fit in there as the rear body-fixing spacer is there, with the drag beam almost immediately to the rear. In that case, does this slit really have a purpose?    

  16. A little further detail, in that I have a set of Ultrascale driving wheels for the loco, which I ordered some time ago when I thought I might have to attempt a scratch-built model. That was before I found out the old Nu-Cast model was to be re-introduced, apparently by means of a lot of research and re-working of some components. At the time of ordering the drivers (anticipating the several month lead-time), I also obtained a set of Gibson bogie wheels, etched coupling rods from Lanarkshire Model Supplies, and a Caley Coaches tender kit from Jim Smellie. This tender kit will now go behind a DJH Caley 'Jumbo', as the fit of castings for the one in the kit is less than good. Unfortunately not the only issue with the kit, as also commented on elsewhere by a well-known, experienced modeller. Next job is soldering in of the axle bearings and etched spacers and testing of the squareness and free-running again, prior to assembling and attaching the bogie. Then comes test-fitting the footplate.   

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