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  1. I have a R965 controller, Do the small silver knobs next to the red dial provide power? And would that power be enough to power the point motor... I’m starting to understand thanks smokebox
  2. Update: Going to use normal point motors instead (cheaper and should be easier) I'm super duper new to point motors, etc Let me give you more details: 5 switches need point motors, https://www.track-shack.com/acatalog/Gaugemaster-PM-1-Seep-Point-Motor-with-Built-In-Switch---Single-GMC_PM1.html is this a good make of point motors and can you have 1 CDU for multiple point switches or do you have to use one for each point switch? (if a CDU isn't required to run the point motor ignore this) Looking at this CDU: http://www.hattons.co.uk/23751/Peco_Products_PL_35_Capacitor_Discharge_Unit_Mk2/StockDetail.aspx and I still don't get the power methods, I heard you can use a basic transformer but how is this converted to a wire that runs to the CDU/point motor? Apologies, I really can't get my head around this and there are too many videos with conflicting methods and most videos demonstrate DCC layouts whereas I only run DC Thanks
  3. So if I had a battery I could just connect one end of the battery to a switch and then the other end to the green wire? The red and black wire go to the switch. Is this right?
  4. Do Peco surface motors work without DCC and how would it be powered/wired? Probably a stupid question Thanks
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