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Posts posted by JamieR4489

  1. My order came today so I've been busy fitting detail parts. Apologies for the possibly out of focus photos but as you can probably imagine, it's quite hard to focus a phone camera on tiny detail parts.





    I've made a start on painting the buffer beams and after those are done I'll paint the cab and then start adding varnish ready for transfers. I know it looks messy at the moment but that's only the first coat.




    • Like 6
  2. I thought I'd filled in all the gaps and holes but putting on a coat of primer revealed a multitude of sins so another two lots of filler have been applied and I'll sand the second lot down tonight or tomorrow.




    The tender is wonky in the last picture because I hadn't fitted the wheels to the chassis yet. This has since been done but they are still temporary as I'm waiting for an order from Peter's Spares to arrive including a whistle, smokebox door dart, tender wheels and transfers. I expect the loco to be in black by the end of this week.



    • Like 3
  3. I've done all the handrails as well as the pipe (I assume its the vacuum ejector pipe) that runs along the right-hand side of the boiler behind the handrail.



    I've also made the motion bracket and fitted it to both sides.


    The safety valves have been fitted as have the buffers and steps on the loco.


    Finally, the motion has been painted black.



    The next thing to do will be to fit a smokebox door dart and proper tender wheels (the ones I'm using at the moment are spares) and then start the laborious task of filling and sanding until I've got a smooth finish. Then I'll prime the loco and sort out any other scratches, holes etc.



    • Like 3
  4. I've made the loco to tender coupling and as can be seen in the below photos, it's quite basic but it does the job.




    Various fittings have been glued on such as the chimney, dome, snifting valve, steam pipes, cab and tender vents and buffers.



    Then I gave the loco a test on my layout and it worked fine so I hooked up a parcels train and the loco could only just about haul it so some lead will be added to the boiler.



    As it was running night at my club, I took it along and ran it on Wickham Market.





    The next step will be to change the motion bracket and add steps and the buffers to the loco.



    • Like 8
  5. Currently I'm trying to figure out a way of joining the loco body to the chassis. There doesn't look enough room at the rear to use the existing K3 hole and at the front there is nowhere to drill a hole through to attach the front end, due to the fact that I had to saw the front end off. I've considered a metal 'tongue' or clip that will hold one end on but its not possible to use that idea at both ends. Has anyone got any ideas about how to join the two?




    Edit: I've found a way to join the body and chassis!

    • Like 1
  6. I'm impressed. When you've mastered the change of crosshead and slidebars you've possibly done the hardest bit of the job.

    Thanks Graeme. You say that but I've got to try and line the loco once I've painted it...


    I tested the loco on the layout and it works fine.




    Today, as the alterations to the chassis are complete and the body fits, I've started making the tender.




    • Like 6
  7. Hello Jamie


    Looks like an interesting project there. I’ve always liked the K2s but I can’t really justify one.


    I think you made the right call - when you get tired take break! (Especially when the valve gear/ metal knitting is involved)



    Yes I wasn’t exactly willing to do the other side but I’m glad it’s done and it worked first time. Considering it’s my first attempt at valve gear I’m quite pleased.



  8. I had nothing better to do today so I've been working almost non-stop.



    The valve gear on the right-hand side is done but by the end of it I was almost cross-eyed so I've left the second side until later.




    I cut the front section of the chassis off and after a bit of fettling around the cab area the body is on. I've also drilled almost all the holes on the body.



    • Like 6
  9. After buying a K3 and some Graeme King resin K2 parts at Warley yesterday, I thought I'd start a workbench thread to show just how good the resin castings are.


    The first thing I'll do is to clean up the castings and drill holes for handrails, chimney, dome etc. After that I'll see what needs doing to the K3 chassis to get it to go inside the K2 body and then I can start on valve gear and adding detail parts.


    The attached photos show the main components for the project.







    • Like 6
  10. After 77 days of cutting, gluing, filling, sanding, painting and applying transfers the Silver Jubilee rake is now 100% complete:








    I am unbelievably happy to own this one off set. When I first started it I didn't think I would ever finish it.... 


    Now to get cracking on the Coronation set :)

    They look stunning. You should be very proud.

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