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Everything posted by JamieR4489

  1. I only did coaches C,D,G,H and the observation car because my layout isn't big enough for a nine car set.
  2. Wow! They look great. I did almost exactly the same thing this year. Jamie
  3. Actually Dwight was in a worse physical state because the Americans had grit blasted the loco, then filled up the hundreds of holes made and finally painted the loco a weird shade of green. The motion had all been painted as well (I think). DOC was still carrying its 1967 paint job until 2012 which stood the test of time pretty well. However, Dwight is in better condition mechanically.
  4. I thought 4489 was in the new exhibition hall next to the Royal Hudson. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=lner+4489&rlz=1C1FERN_enGB637GB638&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit9YTK_P7dAhXMIsAKHTb6A8YQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=882#imgrc=EdgLFbJZg6cqMM:
  5. Number ten is 4489 (60010) Dominion Of Canada. I think Waddon is an LBSC terrier
  6. A4s with corridor tenders and single chimney were: Silver Link (double chimney fitted 10/1957) Quicksilver (double chimney fitted 8/1957) Silver Fox (double chimney fitted 5/1957) Falcon (double chimney fitted 9/1958) Merlin (double chimney fitted 2/1958) Sea Eagle (double chimney fitted 11/1957) Union Of South Africa (double chimney fitted 11/1958) Dominion Of Canada (double chimney fitted 12/1957) Empire Of India (double chimney fitted 1/1958) Commonwealth Of Australia (double chimney fitted 7/19580 Dominion Of New Zealand (double chimney fitted 7/1958) Woodcock (double chimney fitted 10/1958) Osprey (double chimney fitted 7/1957) it only had a corridor tender until 9/1955 Golden Fleece (double chimney fitted 5/1958) Dwight D Eisenhower (double chimney fitted 8/1958) it only had a corridor tender until 4/1957 Golden Plover (double chimney fitted 3/1958) Sir Nigel Gresley (double chimney fitted 12/1957) There were two different types of corridor tender which complicates matters but there is a website here that will give you the info on tender changes: http://www.doncasterworksrecords.org.uk/Part-30.html Hope this helps Jamie
  7. It looks like 80136 is doing a bit of shunting
  8. Speaking of bongos 1264 is masquerading as 1251 Oliver Bury today
  9. Unless I’m seeing things, Repton has just arrived at Grosmont without its smoke deflectors. Edit: I certainty wasn’t seeing things
  10. a fashion from the dreams of children but woke up sweating to this modern
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