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Dave Hunt

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Everything posted by Dave Hunt

  1. I had to give them a mid-course correction though. Dave
  2. I like bridies and Scotch pies too. Dave
  3. I'll give you jellied eels and lasagna or pizza with chips but pasties (good ones anyway) and crisp butties? Food fit to be up there with the bacon butty as ambrosia. Dave
  4. We had a combat simulator installed in the late 80s that had a Silicon Graphics running it; the installation required a room of its own. Dave
  5. That could have caused nearly as much damage as an angry hippo. Dave
  6. I'm well aware of the amount of dust that building work can generate. When we went out to our friend's place in Spain a few weeks ago after workmen had been in to find and fix a water leak when a pipe buried in a wall had failed it took three of us nearly four days to clean up; the dust was easily a millimetre thick in places and had got into places where it seemed impossible. A lot of the trouble was that they had left all the doors open while they were working. Dave
  7. Talking of Irish biscuits, Lily O’Brien’s Uglies are quite toothsome if you like chocolate. Dave
  8. We’ve gone (that’s the royal we you understand) for the cheapo option of a £6.50 roll of polythene and masking tape for DH to wrestle with. Dave
  9. At a friend’s wedding a few months ago I was sitting next to a lady who asked if I was the ex-RAF pilot and when I replied in the affirmative she asked if I knew George Aird. I said that I didn’t know him but knew of him and why did she ask. “I’m his sister,” she said. Nice lady. Dave
  10. That’s why tomorrow involves me fixing polythene sheet and taping up every gap whereby dust can get into the rest of the house. I tried telling the management that it was probably a fruitless exercise but my protestations fell on deaf ears. The one bright spot in the whole sorry affair is that we get to eat out or get takeaways for four weeks or so. Dave
  11. Another C word with dreadful connotations is that which is being bandied around at Hunt Towers for the third day in a row. It is clearing, as in moving everything not nailed down from the kitchen ready for the great rebuild due to start on Monday. The garage is full of crates and boxes ready for the event. Deep joy. Dave
  12. At least he’s not angry. If he was I would be able to hear the bellowing; after all, I’m only fifteen miles or so from the Hippodrome. Dave
  13. A friend of ours developed her own tiramisu recipe that starts with a packet of Jaffa Cakes soaked in brandy, rum and coffee then adds cream cheese, cream and more rum..... It's yummy but you can feel your arteries hardening with every spoonful. Dave
  14. A brief visit to wish Flávio a very happy birthday. If the cake needs sorting out, remember that we are always glad to help. Dave
  15. Just popped in to wish our Swiss medical rep a very happy birthday with lots of good grub and cake to follow. Dave
  16. Addition to my last, for plain track I used C&L chairs with the keys already cast in. Dave
  17. Sheesh! I had no idea. Another of those 'how the hell do we get out of this?' things. Dave
  18. AndyID, I assume from the pictures that you will be fitting separate keys in the chairs? That is how I did my pointwork using resin chairs and separate keys cast for me by a friend in dental resin using masters he machined and silicon rubber moulds. Dave
  19. How annoying. How did you manage to get these adverts in the first place? Just asking out of curiosity you understand.... Dave
  20. As a kid I saw Bob McIntyre do the first 100mph lap of the TT course, which was reckoned at the time to be reaching the practical limit. That it has reached another 35% is nothing short of amazing and is testament not just to the manufacturers but to the skill and courage of the riders. To call them mad is insulting as I'm sure that only someone who is sane enough to be able to recall all the tiny details of the course and make the number of split second decision necessary could achieve what they do. Dave
  21. In the years 1910 - 1914 the only British company that bettered the Midland in terms of income over operating costs was the L&SWR in 1911. Dave
  22. On March 12 I rang my GP practice because my sciatica has got much worse and is often debilitating until well into the afternoon as well as my lower back giving much trouble. I managed to speak to a locum on March 17 who decided that I need to see a musculoskeletal consultant and said he would refer me to the hospital I requested. By 21 May I had heard nothing so I rang the GP practice again and after nearly an hour managed to speak to a receptionist who said that I would have to ring a referral booking centre and gave me a phone number. I also asked her for a GP appointment to discuss pain control and the best she could offer was a telephone call on June 13, which I took. I rang the referral booking centre over fifty times but simply got a recorded message saying, "This system is busy, please try again later." I therefore emailed them and received a reply the same day to say that it was not a matter for their attention but I needed to speak to the musculoskeletal referral centre instead. That I was given this incorrect information by the GP practice receptionist is, I think, indicative of the incompetence/indifference they seem nowadays to display. After more fruitless attempts at a phone call I then emailed the musculoskeletal referral centre and after two days received a reply to say that they had my GP's request for a routine appointment and when one became available they would contact me. No thought of acknowledging the referral or anything resembling patient care. I will therefore get to speak to a GP again next Tuesday after over three weeks wait and will let him or her know how I regard the treatment I am (not) receiving. At this rate I can see me biting the bullet and ringing the hospital directly to try for a private consultation, which I suppose is what they actually want. Dave
  23. On the available evidence I suspect that SM42 villa is like the Forth Bridge - once he's painted everything that doesn't move, Andy starts at the beginning again. Dave
  24. Ah, I didn't realise that McV's digestives still contained palm oil - should've read the ingredient list I suppose. I'll look around in future to find a make that doesn't. Dave
  25. Lindt or Black & Green's 85% cocoa solids chocolate are my favourites. I don't know what percentage the dark chocolate is on Hobnobs or McVitie's digestives but although I doubt it is as high as 85% it suits the biscuits. Dave
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