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Posts posted by LisaP4

  1. Knowing Lisa, she is far too modest about her role in the very early ER days.  


    Way, way back when I was working, I regularly found myself in far flung places and strange time zones.  RMweb was a daily reminder of life back home and the gentle banter between the members was light relief from international business.  It was one of those jet lagged nights that found me chatting away to Lisa in Australia at some ridiculous hour and after the second or third night it became apparent that there were a few people up and about at 5am, so I started a new topic for those of us who were 'early risers' and the rest is history. 


    Here we are many years later and ER's has just got stronger and stronger.  Most, if not all of us from those early days have stayed the course and many new faces have joined in the fun and sadness that has been the ethos of ER's throughout it's life.  What started as a few lines between cyber friends has blossomed into numerous pages a day and a safe haven from gauge wars and price increases….


    We've laughed a lot and shed a few tears along the way.  Long may it continue.  :drinks:

    Cor, you're telling tales Gordon; I wasn't even there! Or maybe I was, early evening while cooking dinner, poking around on here waiting for the day to dawn in other time zones. Then suddenly people start sneaking out of bed early, and a topic was born that grew beyond all reasonable expectations. :D


    Spent the afternoon looking for a supplier of 10kg/metre (20lb/yd) rail, and reminding dad he doesn't have a car anymore. Advantage to not having a car is there's plenty of room for more fun things. Also, have recently discovered that it's cheaper to get groceries delivered than going to the shop myself, brilliant.


    ER keeps making me think of Eaton Railway lately.

    • Like 17
  2. I take it you're into P4? My closest is visiting ExpoEM and being impressed. I've not "met" you on RMWeb yet-virtual handshake. I kinda thought you'd be in Oz, you guys seem to take snakey things in your stride. The closest I've been to Oz was my best friend's daughter who spent a year out there 03-04.



    Back when I first joined here I was yeah, then there was a whole lack of modelling due to work, and now the scale has gradually krept back up since then though.


    Afternoon all,

    LisaP4, how nice to make your digital acquaintance! Your post reminded me of my only Jury service turn, back in the seventies in Cornwall. Right in the middle of the tourist season, much to my father-in-law's disgust, I was listed for a rape trial which looked like it would last for ages but a couple of days in, after the prosecution had presented their case, the defence 'chucked in the towel' and it was wrapped up very quickly - haven't been called since.


    Hi Jock, sounds like you did more than I did; we actually spent more time in the lunch room than the courtroom!




    i was following your exploits with the Lincs coupler some time back.


    Have you progressed more, or kicked it into touch and started down the live steam route (in 15" gauge)?

    The Links/AJ hybrid? That mostly got lost in time I think, still have some wagons with it fitted though. However I have mostly been going back to large scale live steam, yes. With the exception of fiddling about with some Z gauge which I have a moderately sized collection of.

    • Like 7
  3. Eeek. What is it and where are you?


    Hi Lisa, have you been on ER's before? It does seem to be getting more popular by the day, and if you miss a day or two it's extremely hard to catch up. Just don't mention the War.



    Hi Ed, that'd be a young red-bellied black snake, horrendously venomous, but not so much of an issue at that size (well under a foot). I come from a land down under.

    I think I might've posted on the first page of the first ER thread, in one of the assorted earlier versions of rmweb. Regularly miss a month or ten lately, just lurk from time to time, but if you feel like sorting through several thousand pages and multiple forum instances I'm sure you'll find my ramblings.


    Barreegaroo, sound more like something your'd find in Oarstrarlia.

    It does, but the best way to pronounce most of our longer names is to just mumble them.

    • Like 13
  4. Hi dd, feats have been somewhat lacking of late, though I came across this wee beastie while cleaning up the workshop the other day. Apparently the neighbour's dog killed its mum.

    • Like 5
  5. Morning dd, and others. If this topic gets much bigger it's going to need its own website.


    Jury service? I did that once; gave us lunch then brought in a translater for the accused, once she actually knew what she was charged with she plead guilty and we all went home.

    • Like 10
  6. 1869 - on this page/year in history... the Sydney Railway Company opens the extension of the Main Southern Line from Sydney to Goulburn.


    Might as well take advantage of the insane number of pages in this thread.


    *vanishes mysteriously again*

    • Like 1
  7. Dunno where you are Lisa but winter has struck in the Thames Valley so it's definitely moving southwards (well not proper winter as yet but then we didn't have much of a proper summer either).

    Unfortunately, I'm a little too far south (Australia) for nature to help much in the next few months.


    Blimy Lisa, It's STILL mid Winter like here in Cape Town. A real EVERYTHING GREY and miserable looking (and feeling) day WITH water falling on my head if I put it out of doors. You may have it with pleasure!

    Nice to see your 13 truck train again!

    Oh, I'll take rain too thanks. :)


    Early spring and the weather's already in the mid 30s (°C), urgh.

  8. Good to see that you are still with us Lisa.

    Oh yeah, I'm like a rash you just can't get rid of; even if it does disappear for a while occassionally.


    Been volounteering at the red cross for the past year, so working for money will be a change... just have to see how long I can put up with it.

  9. I drop in for a look and dd's talking about public exposure... <_<


    Is it not safe to leave you lot alone at all? :P


    On the subject of weather, we've had more rain in the past 12 hours here, than in any other 12 hour period for the past 100 and something years. It's a bit damp, but the ducks are liking it.

  10. Morning all, nice day today, sunny but not too hot.


    Of course it did rain for a bit... just as I was walking up the shops, and stopped raining when I got home. :blink:


    Should really make a start on crossing Vees for the layout sometime soon.

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