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Posts posted by RLWP

  1. 8 minutes ago, 34theletterbetweenB&D said:

    How do I know this? Because the leading crankpin will foul the combined cylinder/slide bar.


    Are you sure about that? To me it looks like a very long piston running in an even longer cylinder. At the end of the stroke a lot of piston is sticking out of the bore, you can see the change in colour of the materials


    Not a bad way of getting a big bearing surface for the oscillating piston


    9 hours ago, The Johnster said:

    So it does, well spotted.  This presumably means that both cylinders oscillate in unison with each other.  This sounds disastrous for stability.  


    It’s an odd little beast altogether, isn’t it, and from such one can often learn unexpected lessons.  And I have to endorse the opinion that it’s designer and creator deserve muchos kudos!


    If it can be made to work, I’d be at least as inclined as the cylinders to replace what I think might be missing coupling rods, which I think might improve the running and reduce the likelihood of slipping.  I can’t make out on my phone screen if the wheels are flanged, or what gauge (if any) (well it must be some gauge, but you know what I mean) it is, but if it’s LGB it should run on that track. 


    There's a fundamental problem though. With an oscillator you only get a push from the piston once per revolution. With a two cylinder engine, it makes sense to time the two pistons at 180 degrees to each other to equal the pulses. But you can't 'quarter' connecting rods at 180 degrees, they will overcentre and lock (as I found as a kid dismantling Triang locos)


    You could quarter the wheels and accept an uneven 'puff'



    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, The Johnster said:

    Interesting project; I have no idea what it is but it looks sort of European.  It's very crude and toylike, and I'd imagine it to have been a mass produced item somewhat like the Mamod locos.  I can't see that whoever designed it had ever had much to do with actual steam locos of any sort.  There is what looks like a crankpin on the trailing driving wheel and it may have had a coupling rod at one time.  I'm guessing that there are exhaust steam pipes leading from the cylinders to the chimney, but I'm not sure there's a smokebox in the conventional sense of the word.


    My attention is drawn to the soldering that fixes the cylinders to the frames.  The cylinders are probably not as long as they look, extended into a tube that acts as slide bars, but they may have been originally oscillating like a Mamod's, and altered to be fixed by someone.  This may have been because the oscillating cylinders made the loco unstable when it was running.


    Just random thoughts, I'm no expert in this sort of thing.


    They still oscillate, notice the backplate is sitting at an angle to the brass 'frame'. You'll probably find it exhausts straight out under the front running board


    Clearly the builder had a big box of brass cheesehead screws



    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Boris said:

    For protecting staff working in buildings, or in the case of severe gradients to stop vehicles wandering off down the siding on their own if the handbrakes aren't applied correctly etc.  It's no different than remembering to apply a handbrake, chock or sprag stabled vehicles, reset a hand point  or many other things the shunter has to remember to do because its part of his job.


    So, does it comply with "Safety Points - worked scotches or derailers may be used in instead of safety points where protection is necessary." ?


    It sounds like a piece of shunters safety equipment, not a piece of signalling equipment


    I'm not denying it's usefulness in a shunting yard, it clearly would do what is intended of it. I'm trying to work out if it would satisfy the BOT if it is not somehow interlocked.


    I'm not expecting point rodding or some kind of positive link to a signalbox, perhaps a key to unlock it that can only be released when a set of sidings is isolated from a running line



  4. 6 minutes ago, stephi said:

    Thank you Richard :)


    I hope, one day  to be able to  model this loco in the most accurate way possible :)



    "in the most accurate way possible" is an interesting idea. As there is so little information, you could do almost anything within the dimensions of the very few drawings, and it's unlikely anyone could prove you wrong.


    Or you could do a huge amount of research about early locomotive design in general, and for Crewe specifically, and still end up with something that it is unlikely that anyone could prove you wrong (or right!)


    Did you make any progress @Killian keane ?



  5. 24 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

    As an Inspecting Officer said to me at one preservation site over 30 years ago 'you realise of course you could have done all this with three ground frames and no fixed signals at all'


    In 1878, the L&NWR worked the whole of Kenilworth station with a single seven lever ground frame. It was similar to this arrangement in that Lockharts Sidings (to the brickworks) was included in the scheme


    No signal cabin of course - the L&NWR didn't spend money if they didn't have to



  6. 37 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

    The way I read it, the quarry siding starts ‘inside station limits’, so needs no signalling, and the CP gives adequate trapping.


    Out of interest, where would 'station limits' begin on the 'L&Y' end? Presumably far enough up the line for the whole of the quarry train to be inside while waiting for the quarry road to clear? Or would you hold the quarry train outside station limits until it's road is clear?



  7. 26 minutes ago, bécasse said:

    There is absolutely no need for a signal to control the exit from the quarry (but only because it is a light railway). The idea that a quarry train driver could run out in front of a non-stopping passenger train is absolute nonsense, quite apart from the fact that he would have to be in possession of the token/staff to come out onto the running line, the catch points would derail his train (hopefully away from the running line).


    Which introduces two new things. The quarry train must stop to collect a token  - how is that made to happen? 


    And I like the 'hopefully' :D. Let's hope the derailed train (not just a single wagon) doesn't foul the passenger line


    Being serious for a moment, I'm always amazed how real world signalling can be both complicated (to make sure it is safe) and simple (like using Annett's keys to unlock everything). Actually, an Annett's key would be a neat solution to the quarry line



  8. 14 minutes ago, Ruston said:

    The driver has to stop before the catch point anyway, so a stop board will suffice. He's opposite the box and within shouting distance and so the signalman will change the points and shout and wave a green flag when it's safe to proceed.


    Too uncertain. The quarry train driver just misunderstood the green flag and ran out in front of the non-stopping up passenger train. He's been arrested for manslaughter


    There really should have be a starting signal to control exit from the quarry



  9. Just now, Ruston said:

    So, just one signal at each end of the platform? That would suffice for trains leaving the loop from either track? IAt the RH end is the terminus station, with goods facilities but also other industrial concerns with rail connections.


    How would a train from the quarry know it was safe to proceed?



  10. I've just finished making some vans based on the Campbeltown & Machrihanish brake vans:




    There's a drawing in Don Boreham's 'Narrow Gauge Railway Modelling'  book


    The grey vans are based on the drawing, the black vans are a shortened version




    They're made from 0.010" styrene sheet:




    with Peco wagon chassis:







    • Like 9
    • Craftsmanship/clever 4
  11. 3 hours ago, Killian keane said:

    Very similar to SER nos 81/82/83 one of which is the subject of a new build 


    I didn't know about that project. From their website:



    the construction of a working replica of locomotive number 81: the first of three designed by Thomas Crampton for the South Eastern Railway and built by the Whitehaven firm of Tulk and Ley in 1847.


    So, could be identical!





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