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Posts posted by Monjac

  1. I recollect, from the one time I used Boulogne Aeroglisseur (in the late 1970s) that freight services passed through the station, en route to the steel-works at Outreau; I suspect the line predated the hovercraft by some time.

    I found these images via Google:-




    Not sure where to look for plans; the mairie (town hall) would have the Plan Cadestral, which is like a 1/2500 OS map, showing ownership of parcels of land. It would be the Mairie d'Outreau, rather than Boulogne, which would have the originals for the hovercraft port.


    That link for wikiviusually is amazing. I will have to take my time going through the info.


    I will follow up those leads.




    I am sure David (Pacific 231G) will be along soon and can help you with this more than I can.


    The tunnel was already there. It led to freight sidings referred to in the 1964 SNCF Atlas as Boulogne-Maree. So for fish traffic which is not surprising as Boulogne was at one time France's biggest fishing port.


    I think Boulogne-Ville was rebuilt earlier than 1970 (late 50s/early 60s).


    More details on the Hover services in an SNCF Society Journal article some years ago. 


    Does the Atlas you mention have track plans.?



    I visited the hoverport yesterday and was still amazed to see all the track in place , with signals etc. I walked into  the tunnel for over 200 metres which is clear . But then I thought I meet  some immigrants so I turned back. I need to check the tunnel entrance at the southerly end.

  2. Can anyone help me to find historic ( 1914-1980 )  track plans of Boulogne and more importantly the track layouts and sidings on the other side of the River Lianne.at Outreau, now Leclercs Hypermarket etc. In 1914-1918 , for example ,there must have been a maze of sidings to handle supplies to te Somme. . Then in 1970 the River Lianne was straightened and a new station built at Boulogne. I have spent much time on the internet but the logic of the French internet sites defeats me . Was a tunnel link built specifically for the Hoverport or did one exist .?

    Any leads would be much appreciated, thankyou.

  3. Pardon my ignorance but what was " the Exeter situation " ?

    Sounds a bit like "The Spanish Inquisition " off Monty Python, I can hear the music playing as I read the words " The Exeter situation ".

    Interested to learn!

  4. Thanks for that reply Paul which got me thinking. A photo earlier in this thread showed SUMMERS in black lettering but the wagon looks to be white and therefore might be an outshopping set up.

    Did they use black lettering for a while.?

    If yes, then I could try using a Crafty computer decal which would get round the problem.. because whilst you cant do white lettering , black is no problem.

    Can you tell me the name of the font. ?.


    Contacted Hattons who say that presently they are not planning a SUMMERS variant.

    On this basis.

    Which of the current offerings by Hattons  would be the closest to modify to a SUMMERS  .?

    I am thinking of replacing I.C. I   by S U M M E R S .or buying the unlettered version and simply applying decal letters..

    Does anyone produce a Summers decal ?

    All the "no ICI lettering" are 1992-1997 but would these be OK  with SUMMERS letters applied ?

  6. I fully agree with the comments of fenman.

    I applaud Hornby for keeping the prices down. This is what is needed and I am sure the market will prove Hornby right on this marketing move.

    Much of the detailing is only noticed and  fully appreciated by a few knowledgeable people who must prefer to look at their models static since the detailing cannot be properly appreciated with a engine running.. Whilst I thoroughly enjoy and learn from the depth of knowledge shown in the Forums for the rest of us ( the majority ? )the most important thing is to have a good working model at a reasonable price with the proviso that it must run well.

    And as for  sprung buffers ..................

  7. It is a pity that some  people forget the times when it was necessary to budget carefully for purchases. When an event arises which throws your plans it is only natural to feel aggrieved and annoyed .

    To suggest bank overdrafts and putting funds aside rather misses the point if budgets are tight.

    Modelpara I hope you get it sorted out. 

  8. 47975 sold on e-bay today for £171.50 , after allowing for Hattons cheaper postage for the same model which is still available, then this gives him or her a saving of about £25. And there were others bidding too.

    I hope he got a bargain. I can only presume he has not followed this thread .

    Good luck. Its a beautiful model but I do rather prefer mine to run as well.

  9. If this web forum is a representative sample and not just a load of moaners ( experienced patient modellers , YES, moaners, NO ),then look at it on a positive note, when you get one running well with limited bodywork problems, you will be one of a select club and the model will become a much sought after collectors item.

    Poor Hattons, they must be gutted.

  10. I only have a problem with one bored and disinterested postman. All the rest are fine. I presume my expat compatriot has a similar one off situation.

    Reference signed for mail, Hattons required me to use this service because of the value of the engine. However, when it arrived I was not asked for a signature. 9 out of 10 cases I am never asked to sign.

    Out of interest La Poste delivers on bank holidays except MayDay.which always surprises me.


    Unfortunately I have received one of the duff Garratts .

    Front light not working. Locking bogies. Frequent derailement over sound and well tested medium and long radius peco points . Whilst it is a superb model, I did want a heavily weathered engine. I appreciate I could weather it or pay someone else , but you immediately depreciate the resale value .But as usual no problems with  Hattons re returning it.

    I am however a little disappointed.

  11. You have my sympathy . I have complained from time to time  by letter sent to the depot with photos when I have had problems, e.g things squeezed into the letter box with 50 % hanging out etc, :nono: always accompanied by photos. Each time the facteur personally apologized. :O

    But your treatment is ......... just not on ! :triniti:

    Bonne chance

  12. The gentleman postie arrived this morning at 9.0 am prompt ,hooted his horn and waited patiently for me to arrive at the gatepost whereupon he handed the parcel over to me.

    6 days to get here , although Royal Mail track is still saying that it is in Paris !

    Up to the roof space to open and test. No broken bits. Weathering light for a heavy weathering but effective.Superb model.

    So , mm ????,  there must be something to complain about .

    Oh yes. Whilst it runs smoothly it goes too fast ! Measured with my Speedwagon it goes 78 mph and that is without running in .

    I am now going to send it back to Hattons and demand they fit a speed limiter restricting it to 50 .mph or less ?

  13. Just have some sympathy for the French contingent waiting to catch their parcel as it is lobbed over the fence !!


    I didn't have to wait by the gate this morning as my parcel is having a weekend break ( not literally I hope )  in the International Hub before being sent abroad.

    • Like 1
  14. If discovered.... Why don't you express righteous indignation that you had cancelled the order and quite obviously Hattons have made a mistake and you will have to send it back .... but it does look a nice model... and it is quite different from my other engines... and it will be an investment .... and it would make me really happy to keep it..... and the killer blow .... If I kept it then it is only fair that you have the  ??????? that you were looking at.

    You never know your luck.

    Or perhaps you would get a wet head .

  15. I think Hugh Flynn should be complimented for starting this thread. in August 2011 .

    Is 49 pages or even 50 a record. ?


    The weathering unfortunately does not look very heavy but lets wait and see.

  16. Living in France , you have to have a letter box at your gate. My postman has a horrible habit of not opening the letter box , he never seems to have his pass key, but instead shouts  whilst he bangs the parcel on the top of the gate post. I always cringe when I see the brown paper parcel tied up with string being abused in this way.I  am now going to have to wait for him by the gate to avoid my precious Garratt ( no string around the parcel now) being banged /slapped down in this manner causing  the filler cap to come off the tank or something worse.

    If it is posted today then Saturday will be the earliest day expected since post from Liverpool/Chester gets here the quickest. I hope it is not raining at 9.0 am Saturday morning as I wait by the gate !!!

    • Like 1
  17. I have to admit to being mildly excited at the prospect of my heavily weathered Garratt arriving.

    3 years is a long period of anticipation but it has enabled me to weather 30 coal wagons and model a coal mine and alter the layout . I hope my wife will agree that it was worth waiting for.

    • Like 3
  18. I have heard from insider sources that the heavily weathered Garratts have arrived in Liverpool .However quality control are not satisfied with the rusted sections, so , in order to avoid the anticipated  criticism , they are being left out, deboxed in the yard to take on a more natural patina.This process is expected to take about two weeks but with the present storms this period  may be reduced.

  19. I wasn't going to bother with a B-G but watching a DVD this morning provided enough inspiration to lash out 200 smackers on the heavily weathered Garratt with early totem on cabsides. I'm one of those old fashioned modellers that models a particular period of railway history, in my case the 31st April 1954 just before 11.30am on a warm sunny day. A Beyer-Garratt was working a test-load via Guide Bridge and Stalybridge thru' Greenfield to Diggle exchange sidings on that particular morning with driver Cole Miners-Friend and fireman Fuku-Y-Basterd of Hasland plus Inspector Injector  and a fitter from Gorton. Of course, this working will run every day until I move the date!  :whistle:   

    Is there any truth that Leslie Garratt is the Great Grand daughter of Beyer-Garratt. She could fire for me anytime.. :jester:

  20. 266205 No 47967 with BRITISH RAILWAYS on tanks now sold out at Hattons

    Those last six people left it until the last moment !

    I am led to believe that 47967 might be dispatched this next week..

    I am in hospital at the moment having had a new knee fitted which is excellent.

    So this morning I had the all important lesson with the physio on how to get up and down stairs.No problem at all.So when I get home next week I will be able to get up the stairs into my roof space to test the loco.

    I can now relax.

    • Like 1
  21. I'm actually rather pleased that the models are not clogging the shelves, and I expect the heavily-weathered versions will sell very well. That said, its very hard to please every buyer with weathering.

    I  agree.it is good news that Hatton's  Garrett  venture looks to be a success.. 

    I am eagerly awaiting the heavily weathered  47996. and have bought the MPD so I don,t drop it !

    Hattons have it   listed as June delivery. Does anyone know anything better.?

    Any more pics  from Nouvelle Zelande ?. 

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