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Pete 75C

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    : Sheringham

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  1. Why can so many sellers on ebay not be bothered to leave feedback? It's only a small niggle, but maybe I'll be petty and shop elsewhere.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. colin penfold

      colin penfold

      I agree Pete. I always gently remind sellers that Ebay claims to be a community. I will only leave seller feedback once the seller has left buyer feedback for me. The way I see it, that's the correct order of the transaction. I buy, I receive, I rate the seller. When I'm selling I leave a brief positive feedback for the buyer as soon as they pay.  I wonder if sellers get as many automated emails from Ebay reminding them to leave feedback. I doubt it.

    3. Pete 75C

      Pete 75C

      I think I'll take a leaf out of your book, Colin. When selling, I leave straight away but when buying, I leave as soon as the item arrives. I think in future, I'll wait to reciprocate. A high volume seller won't give a monkey's but a hobby seller might leave feedback if I haven't. As I said, it's only a small niggle.

    4. Davexoc


      I don't personnaly use eBay, but with the bombardment of emails from various other online purchases asking for ratings and the proliferation of fake ratings out there, how believable are they any way? Small time users maybe, but the more reviews, the more I would wonder who was writing them.

      Recent case of a guy buying a pub that shut in 2011, researched it for renovation purposes on the net, only to find several reviews from the last couple of years.....

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