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Ramblin Rich

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About Ramblin Rich

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  • Location
    West of the Exe
  • Interests
    Devon & Cornwall branchlines, 1980s/1990s

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  1. My friend referred to his Allegro as 'All aggro'. Other friend's Vauxhall Chevette was called the 'Shove it'.
  2. That's a shame, but a good age. I met him in unusual circumstances, where he came across as a really nice person, not afraid to talk about his work and proud of it, but still humble. A national treasure. There will be other memorials, but having the preserved HST power car with his name is a fitting tribute.
  3. Your previous comments about having figures in natural static poses is really borne out by those pictures. Really does look like the crew's resigned to the extra work but lacking the motivation!
  4. You'll also notice that the riders don't seem to be pedalling. In other words, they are not power assisted bicycles but actually powered bikes, effectively electric mopeds and definitely not legally e-bikes. The fact they do well over 15.5mph (probably double) in near silence makes them a menace in the high street where the only other vehicles are noisy buses. You really have to look carefully before stepping onto the road. Strangely the delivery riders round here often wear balaclavas, as though trying to disguise themselves...
  5. Aren't most Aus and NZ flags upside down anyway (speaking from a Northern hemisphere viewpoint)? 🤪
  6. I always thought changing my name to Richard Down could be useful. Then, if told "you're name's not down, you're not coming in" I could reply to the contrary!
  7. What's wrong with Hydrogen fuel cells? Surely more efficient as they generate electricity directly.
  8. That shed would make a good scenic break. You could cut a hole in the backscene and put a fiddle yard beyond it... 🤪
  9. 'Merican Looks like it's heading to Salem. Witch doesn't have much to do with steam trains.
  10. Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf?
  11. Beavers are beaverly recognised because Otters are otterly different 🤪 A variant on the 'weasels weasily recognised / stoats stoatally different' gag
  12. Agree, it's likely EFE have taken over the work Hattons had done before cancelling. Was tempted before so will be interested to see how it turns out.
  13. Back to Shakespeare in a way - "see it, slay it, sorted" was in "Upstart Crow" (comedy based in Shakespeare)
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