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Everything posted by mabbog

  1. It was sounding like it was tearing the gears apart but that was because I was running it without its traction tyres. Some came in the post and it is rather quieter, and as you say more of a nice drone.
  2. Yes, I've just been servicing the green Meld version too and that is quite a bit slower but much noisier.
  3. I serviced my old Lima Deltic 'Fife and Forfar Yeomanry' and noticed that it is capable of going very fast. So, out of curiosity, I ran it at top speed round a 6'x4' loop of track. I calculated its scale speed as very roughly 230mph. Before the wagons it was pulling were flung off the track ... Not bad for the much-maligned ringfield motor but I won't be doing that again.
  4. You are quite right of course. I used nuclear flask in the title to help people find it but the flask is actually inside the cover.
  5. I modelled and printed the kind of container used in the UK to transport nuclear waste flasks until recently. Of course they really go on dedicated wagons but I made these to fit on some Low-Macs I already had. You will need to resize the print to fit your needs. Can't guarantee the ratio of width to length to height is exactly right. First photo shows it before some weathering (the real ones are all filthy). The file is on Thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5380443 I include an SVG file with the decals if you want to print your own. Printed on an Elegoo Mars 2 with Elegoo resin. It is very detailed but also quite fragile. Also pretty light so you probably need to attach it to your wagon in some way.
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