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Everything posted by Belly

  1. Thanks Martin, I went to their site and you're right; no mention of it at all. The visit wasn't wasted though as I had a good look around. Thanks for the tip, Geoff
  2. Jason, Thank you for the link, and after visiting the LMS Review site and passing that information on, I can report that it was well received. On another note, I did post a reply but for one reason or another it doesn't seem to have been added to the forum. I do confess that, being new, I'm still coming to terms with the intricacies of this site. As a result, the lack of response may appear ungrateful but that is not the case and I had a very good look at the suggested site. In any event, my apologies for the late response. Thanks again, Geoff
  3. Thanks Mark, I've just been on their web site and it appears to be a perfect fit. I'll pass your recommendations on. Thank you, Geoff
  4. Thanks Jason,


    I wasn't aware of this development as a result I used the link and was most impressed with the LMS Review.  It's encouraging to see.


    Thanks again,



  5. On a slightly different tack, has there ever been a substitute or replacement for this journal? Whether it be through a newsagent or historical society. Why I ask is that a number of members of the group I'm a part of were discussing its demise recently and pondered if there was a substitute that was freely available. Cheers, Geoff
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