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Blog Entries posted by ProjectRedcar

  1. ProjectRedcar

    Today, I picked up two lovely Lima models (analogue only for now, but I intend to have them hard-wired for DCC and maybe install sound in the 60). Both are due for eventual professional weathering and DCC conversion.
    The locos I got today are 37 099 'Clydebridge' and 60 008 'Moel Fammau', both in Railfreight Metals Sector...ideal for the steelworks!
    Of course, they won't always be pulling steel carriers and the like. Every loco in my fleet will perform any duty.
    I'll post a topic soon after this blog post, asking how the community feels about Lima models. Honestly, I got them at a bargain price and they run well in terms of performance. They are noisy runners, which is why I'm considering installing sound eventually to mask the noise of the motors.
    Don't know if simply replacing the motors would fix this issue or if the pancake (I believe) motors in these are just noisy anyway.
    That's all for this post. Cheers

  2. ProjectRedcar

    Project Redcar
    Well, here's my first blog entry...and it's going to be very much text-based!
    I should probably introduce myself. I'm a 22 year old (at the time of this post) model railway enthusiast (sounds so formal, doesn't it?)
    I'm no expert on railways and being 22 and relatively new to modelling, I'm not going to know every trick in the book.
    However, I've officially begun what I'm calling 'Project Redcar', a OO Gauge layout which will hopefully, one day, be renamed to 'Redcar Steelworks'. But for now, in the work-in-progress stage, it's 'Project Redcar'...hence my username.
    This 'Project' is partially funded by Patreon, which I won't share here just yet. I'm unsure whether that's even allowed. Most of the funding for this comes out of my own pocket.
    I think it's only fair to warn you, I will not be sticking to any particular era (I can narrow it down to the late 80s and early 90s, but that's the best I can offer), nor will I be attempting to recreate the plant 1:1 (where everything is modelled and in it's proper place). The objective is simply to recreate the spirit, so to speak, of the British steel industry and immortalise the monolithic structure that is the blast furnace at Redcar.
    With the steelworks being torn down as we speak, it's a race against time to preserve as much detail as possible.
    As this blog grows, expect to see updates on what's happening with the layout (as of the time of this video, digital 3D modelling is underway and costs are being calculated). I'll share pictures of my locos and rolling stock as they come and also share pictures of the 3D models.
    I hope that you will all welcome this project and follow along if you're interested. Thanks for reading this first post!
  3. ProjectRedcar

    If you recognise the image, you'll know what choice I made. But there's a bit more to it than that.
    Firstly, let me highlight the model that matches the one I'm pre-ordering. It's the one on the furthest right, featuring the headcode light-box arrangement.
    My model will be numbered as 31 409, in BR Blue livery, with the white stripe down the side. Admittedly, I would prefer it if the stripe wasn't there (which would probably require a different numbered 31) but such is life. It's not a big deal.
    I'll be getting the DCC Ready version rather than Sound Fitted. I'm in no hurry to have it fitted with sound, so to spread the cost a bit, I'll just have sound installed in future...or transplant the 31 sound chip for the time being. 
    In terms of Project Redcar, I aim to give each loco a purpose and story of it's own. My layout will feature sheds to store locos in and this is an addition on my part. As far as I'm aware, the steelworks at Redcar don't have locomotive sheds? If I'm wrong on that, please correct me. I won't be changing my design to install more true-to-life sheds if they did exist at one time at Redcar...but I would love to see any photos of them if you have any.
    Stay tuned for that story and purpose. Should have that finished soon.
    Thanks for reading and do stay tuned.
    If any readers of this blog have pre-ordered a Class 31 from Accurascale, I'd love to hear about it and what you'll be using yours for.
  4. ProjectRedcar
    I've pre-ordered the Class 31 from Accurascale. I chose 31 409, DCC Ready, as I aim to get sound fitted at a later date. Granted, this will cost more to do, but at least that way I can choose the exact sound file I want to.
    I will be getting 31 409 weathered, but not before I do a written review on it. Looking forward to the arrival!
    On the layout, my 31 will be doing a little of everything. Hauling coal wagons, torpedo wagons and cement tanks.
    If you've pre-ordered one or are thinking about it, comment below!
    Or if you have an info about this particular locomotive (either 31 409 specifically or any Class 31), do share!
  5. ProjectRedcar
    Is having two Class 31's excessive? Maybe. I've given it some thought over the past few days.
    Both Hornby and Accurascale are offering up BR Blue Class 31's with the headcode box light arrangement and I'm honestly torn between the 2. 
    My inclination is to go with Accurascale, since their work on the Deltic was so stellar and I (perhaps a bit naively) expect their 31 to be stellar, too. I'd be going for the DCC Sound fitted version, which is around £260, last I checked. I expect them to sell like hot cakes, just like the Deltic (though admittedly the 31 is less popular than the Deltic). Not everyone loves a Gargoyle!
    But then Hornby's offering works out cheaper for me, since I already have a 31 TTS chip in my 56 (I know they sound nothing alike). It doesn't seem fair to say Hornby's offering will be less detailed than Accurascale's...but honestly, I think we're all thinking that.
    A third option, even though it feels a bit...yucky, honestly...would be to get the DCC Ready Accurascale 31 and then put the Hornby TTS chip in it.
    And then a 4th option would be just not to have sound and get Accurascale's DCC ready option, perhaps upgrading in the future with yet another sound chip.
    Would it please me to have them both? Yes. But that'd be more than I'd be willing to spend in one go.
  6. ProjectRedcar

    Project Redcar
    Looks like I might have forgotten to say this in the first entry, so apologies for missing this obvious detail...whoops.
    My layout will be running on DCC and I'll probably be using a Gaugemaster controller for it. At the moment, I use a Bachmann analogue controller, second hand, cheap and cheerful, gets the job done. This is just for running in any new locos I get, so I don't immediately have to buy a decoder and get it installed. I run them in on some track I have laying around, which will eventually make up the layout.
    All points on the layout will be manual (using my finger to change the points using the...plastic thingy that moves left and right)
    For those wondering, are my locos fitted with DCC? The answer is yes, all of them have been, in preparation for the DCC controller's arrival. Currently, I have a Class 20, a Class 56 and a Class 153, all fitted with a DCC decoder.
    Interestingly, the 56 is fitted with a Class 31 TTS chip, which will be transplanted into a 31 once I get my hands on one.
    My local model shop very kindly let me put down a deposit on a lovely Class 37, since I'm a member of their discount club. There's still some to pay off on that, but its manageable.
    Until next time
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