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Everything posted by stuin21990

  1. Thank you Chris and Mark I'll dig out those articles and get studying. Got a few things on the go that need finishing before I get into the 45xx build but the David Eveleigh chassis route seems the way to go. Regards Stu
  2. Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to 2FS. I've planned a small 'introductory' layout of which a 45xx is integral. I've been advised there's no available model suitable for conversion, so it's a scratch build, but a relatively suitable first scratch attempt. Given that I'm completely new to scratch building locomotives I'm not sure where to begin. I do possess a small lathe and basic skills. Any help with dimensions, plans or any relevant information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Stu
  3. Hi, I've recently joined the 2mm Scale Association and I've purchased their introductory waggon kit. My question is what solder and flux will I need to put it together? I've read a beffuddeling amount of information on the topic but I seem to be getting a little overwhelmed 😆. Thanks
  4. Hi sithlord75 yeh I sent it to the address on the form, thanks for clarification as I was unsure whether or not it was supposed to be an automated response or the old-fashioned human being type, or I'd just done it all wrong 😀. Thanks again, I shall be more patient 😀. Cheers
  5. Hi guys, I'm trying to join the 2mm fs association via the PayPal email route. I'm not getting any response and not sure who to contact. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Stu
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