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Everything posted by Godfish94

  1. Hi guys just hoping for some suggestions/ advice or where I can get etched nameplates/running numbers? Looking to change my county of Cornwall to county of glamorgan 1014. Cheers, Sam
  2. Will have to purchase a multimeter before I carry on testing! Seem to have isolated and tested everything so far and believe it's the cheap controller causing problems! Thank you :)
  3. Hi John, I will make that teat eventually... but for I'm ruling it down to the cheap controller. Thank you :)
  4. Have bypassed the power clip, turned the Hornby locos upside down and applied power, the hst and 0-6-0 railroad pannier both work fine.
  5. This is what I suspect, the cheaper controller's, will be looking to upgrade controller if you have any recommendations please let me know! Thank you.
  6. 3, the hst (that came in the set) railroad 0-6-0 pannier, and an older 101 dmu. Turned the pannier and hst upside down and applied power to both and ran perfectly but when on track they cause the cut out. To a relatively new modler this is really confusing. I suspect its the controller/power supply so going to look at upgrading to a Hornby hm2000 or something else if there's better recommendations.
  7. I have video evidence of what I'm about to say, makes 0 sense to me. When I run a Bachmann 56xx on the loop it runs perfectly but all my Hornby locos cause the cut out, only tried the 56xx today I am baffled
  8. Yes the hst power car lol, unfortunately not just the hst have tried multiple locos that a friend has borrowed me to try and find a solution (that I know work well) and yes get the same short circuit with different locos on the track. Thank you for the reply Darius!
  9. Thank you for your reply Ian, it is the Hornby R7229 controller that comes with the train set GWR high speed train. Dc and I have been testing it out on a basic oval but will try with a single piece. Thank you
  10. Yes literally as the train set is from the box with only the track from the box the controller from the box plus it comes as DC not chips have been added. Completely DC.
  11. Hi guys not sure what I'm doing wrong but some help would be great please. Having just purchased the Hornby GWR hst train set I have set it up with what comes in the box. When there is no loco on track the power works fine but the second a loco is on track it short circuit/cuts out within a second no matter how far the knob has been turned. I have tried older controller's and different locos with different power track, the old fashioned power clip all different combinations but the same result every time. Thank you guys for reading
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