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Everything posted by Pete37038

  1. Hi, I've been looking through the intructions, and also trying to find a video online of this but with no luck, I've a number of Heljan Class 26 and 27 OO gauge loco's but I can't suss out how to fit the provided snowploughs to them, does anyone have a guide or some knowledge on how to do this? They pretty much idential to the one peice set of ploughs I got with an Accurascale 37 that went on straight away, but these don't seem to fit the same way. Any help or pointers appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi, I've been looking online but can't seem to find the right style and size numbers to renumber my Bachmann Class 25 - 25083 It has the larger white bodyside numbers as opposed to the more usual smaller cabside ones, anybody know where I can get the right size ones to do this job? Thanks These are the type in question:
  3. Hiya folks, took delivery of this Hornby 08 today, the guy couldn't give me hardly any info on it, but I didn't pay much so no worries. Looks in pretty decent shape apart from loose steps, but there is a square piece on the roof missing ( see pic), directly above the cab, looks to be just a pop in part, any idea where I could pick one of these up from? Thanks
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