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Stopping-Train Britain

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Everything posted by Stopping-Train Britain

  1. Many thanks indeed, everybody, for taking the time to share your insights. Your answers are greatly appreciated!
  2. I wonder whether anybody can please enlighten me as to why Pacers were - sadly(!) - never employed in revenue-earning services in Scotland (save only for a few trial runs in the 1980s and irregular Carlisle-Dumfries forays, as described elsewhere in the forms). I appreciate they would have been ill-suited to longer-distance rural services (where Sprinters replaced loco-hauled trains), and I dare say many of the shorter commuter routes in the Central Belt which might otherwise have been 'Pacerised' are electrified. Was that the reason; that is to say, there simply weren't a sufficient number of appropriate routes for Pacers in Scotland? Please forgive my ignorance; this is simply something I've always wondered!
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