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Everything posted by lukeharris

  1. Dear RM Web members I’m from Wilmington Grammar School for Boys in Kent and I’m trying to organise a project where our students design and build their own model railways. This is part of an activity week in July for all of our students where we work off the curriculum in order to develop skills outside of our normal schedule under the title of ‘Steam week’-Steam standing for Science, Technology Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. The theme being ‘past, present and future’. Myself and a couple of colleagues were hoping to work with a group of around 30 students helping them to produce model railways (ideally in groups of 5/6). Our thought was we might get some of them excited about modelling and getting them to be creative. We hope to produce railways based on the 1950s, the present day and the future. The final part of the week is an exhibition which is open to students, parents and members of the local community. Our issue is that we’ve got a very limited financial budget and the cost of doing this is well beyond our budget. We've had a few materials donated to us by companies and some from readers of the Railway modeller magazine who have answered my letter, but in order to engage 30 students for a week, we still require materials. We are looking for donations for anything related to producing a model railway (we were looking at basing it around a classic oval and encouraging students to create their own model world!), as currently we have nothing and anything whether would be of enormous benefit, even if they were used or seconds Our long term plan is to begin a model railway club in the school where we build a layout which we could display at an exhibition. If you think you might be help, please email me on lharris@wgsb.co.uk or reply on here and I'll get in touch I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Luke Harris
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