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    NE Derbyshire
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    Micro layouts

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  1. Hello Keith, Errrrrr well here's a link to a motor that did 12 years at shows slowly shunting on micro layouts https://ogaugemicro.blogspot.com/p/controllers.html Please scroll down the page a bit to see the motor stripped down the brushes are worn down but hardly what you'd call rapidly. Do bear this in mind as well: Pulse controllers do heat motors but then so do ramping DC and DCC ones, the nature of the pickup from brush to commutator, from rail to wheel and from wheel to pickup is never a smooth exchange of power. Cheers - Jim
  2. Hello Rob, This happened to me with the original UF circuit. Using the same idea try changing the 680R resistor to 2K, I suspect that will wprk for you. Cheers - Jim
  3. Hello Andy, I don't mind a bit of drift at all, it's all very interesting. Yes indeed it was John Fownes, I liked the way he blagged the kit manufacturers to sell him lots of useful bits. He once accepted a challenge to make a loco and have it running in one day. He uses 0.9mm card from Rymans for bodies and chassis. Interesting links thanks for sharing them. Cheers - Jim
  4. Hello there, New motors arrived from China. Blimey!! From the left, a proper brush holder with a proper spring not a tiny bit of graphite stuck to a brass strip. A 5 pole motor, skewed armature, close pole pieces and heavy windings. Large but not too powerful magnets. Brass bushes at each end, A test with a GM UF Style controller at the slowest speed, max pulses, it did not jump about on the bench at all, some I've bought have jumped off :-) Impossible to stop with my finger nails at the slowest speed. Cheers - Jim
  5. Hello there, I thought that I would just do a corner of the layout first, Mrs Smallgains Creosote Co. I found this pic from when I made my first micro, I went to Sheffield on a Sunday afternoon a few times to grab soome shots before some of the areas were 'gentrified'. With a some windows and gates from textures.com turned it into this. I flipped it because the right hand side will be against the edge of the board. A lot to do to it before I can turn it into a low-relief building but at least it's a start. Cheers - Jim [Edit] The left hand end above was too short and the text reversed, silly me!
  6. Hello T, It was not Peter I've not seen his stuff , but then I never buy magazines. :-) Is he on RMW? I think the one I know was a member of an RMClub in Nottingham on the right as you go into Nottingham on the A60, Woodborough? [edit] Woodthorpe they used to have a site looks as though that's gone. Blogger is much better and can be turned into one easily and it's Free Yippee :-) Cheers - Jim
  7. Thanks Mark, Good of you to say that, you've bcome one of the most impressive modellers on the site, fair play to you. Cheers - Jim
  8. Hello @marc smith Thank you for all the kind comments good of you. I will be making the loco from card including the chassis. I've bought some 5 pole motors off Aliexpress they should be here sometime in March. I did try to get a few of these; They were £2.20 incl post, Hornby bought the whole production and they are for sale on eBay at £20 each. The ones I've bought are about £3.40 (less if you buy more) look very similar. This is what you find :-) Cheers - Jim
  9. Thanks Nye, For the nice comment good of you. I am hoping to receive a drawing soon someone has contacted me on my website, they've got to find it though, happens to us all :-) Cheers - Jim
  10. Hello, My wife and I think this is wonderful fair play to you, you've really created something with just so much atmosphere. Enville ... "The Six Ashes Pub" is that right? Cheers - Jim
  11. Hello there, Many thanks to all of you for the suggestions I was at a loss to think of anything concrete. Once you'd all got the grey matter stirred I was gradually able to add bits here and there until now it's looking like a proper place with a purpose. I'm really grateful Cheers - Jim
  12. Hello Luke, Great stuff I like the trackplan it'll make for some very interesting shunting moves. Point polarity is something I've tried in various ways, what I use now is a loop of copper wire under the board and pushed up so that the blades are in contact with it one at a time and a length of wire soldered to the vee when it fails the copper wire can be bent a bit without having to get under the board. I'd put it on the top in the pic to illustrate it easier. Cheers - Jim
  13. Hello SG, Thanks for that I've copied your text to read thoroughly later. Many thanks for taking the time to do it. Cheers - Jim
  14. Hello Paul, Thanks for doing all that research good of you. I'll send a note to High Level, I use their 00 hornblocks for my locos. The page about the Diesel loco's is very good too and that they should have some NSR loco pics. I'd really like to see some of your card creations. I use GANSG for the drawings of wagons there's lots apart from Appendix 2 scattered throughout the site and anyone can download the whole site for offline reading. Best to do so sites have a habit of disappearing and this one is too valuable to lose. Link on this page:- https://ogaugemicro.blogspot.com/p/links.html Cheers - Jim
  15. Hello Paul, I made the diesel in about 1982 with a hand drilled brass chassis and the body is styrene. At the time I knew nothing about loco construction and just made it up as I went along. The chassis limps but the feedback in the controller takes it out. I'd always made wagons from card but never thought about locos until I met a guy from Nottingham who had made lots. We had Cardboard Corner at the Nottingham show and had a great laugh about it. He makes coaches and huge 0 Gauge express locos. I am looking for a drawing for this loco; It ran on the Nth Sunderland railway and looks really quirky and just right for card including the chassis. Cheers - Jim
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