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Everything posted by WT85

  1. Thanks for the tips everyone! I have an Ender 3 V2 - for what it is, it prints fabulously. I print a lot (multiple items a week) for my day job, I'm only limited by the bed size of course. In terms of what I'd like to print: Small items such as, fencing, bridge girders, benches etc. I'd also like to have a go at some buildings. I printed some cottages off a while ago which came out fantastic. Low relief industrial would be a particular interest. I'm not too fussed at wagons etc, I have more than enough to keep me going! Of course, keeping in the theme (or close to) the 1950/60s SR. I'd be interested in anything I can have a go at printing really! If they are free then brilliant, but if not I'm (of course) very happy to pay for quality STL's. That leads me to a more in depth question, where/who would you all recommend to have a peek at? I'm well into Thingiverse. Iron Minks collection looks good! Are there anymore people who produce similar designs? Thanks so much.
  2. Hi all, I'm quite busy with my every day job - as such, I don't have too much spare time to spend creating 3D models. Does anybody have any recommendations on shops/sites that I can grab files to print on my own printer? I model in the 1950's SR in 00, any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  3. That's lovely to hear, thank you! Yes. The track is flat bottomed and 'fairly' thick, Code 100 esque? I'm sure it would promote smooth running even now. I wonder what I should do with it? I'll certainly make use of the Scaleway kit - but the Peco track... Would someone use it?
  4. Hi All, Merry Christmas! I was wondering what people thought about this little stash I had found when rooting through my collection. Now, I hadn't seen pinned track before and the Scaleway kit is one that I've had great fun building before albeit it was copper clad based rather than plastic. These haven't been opened per se, the packaging is however slightly damaged. I had a peek inside a few and surprisingly the rails are pristine. Lovely! Does anybody here have any memories of these products? Good or bad! They will have been boxed away from some part of my Grandads collection. Being in my early twenties, I of course have no clue when they were made. But if it suits, I'll be sure to fit the scaleway kit somewhere suitable (perhaps a fiddleyard extension?) So that it can finally fill its purpose! Happy holidays 🎄
  5. Hi All, I've recently come across these when doing some digging through my collection. I've had a quick peek at some of the rails and sleepers... Frankly immaculate. Although the packaging is a little worse for wear. I guess my question would be, would they be worth the use over purchasing new Peco Code 75 /C&L? - I'm a fan of building my own track... On my current project I'm already utilising a Scaleway large turnout kit and many lengths of their flexi-track. As well as other more RTR Code 75 products from Peco etc. They'd only be used to pad out a lesser used and low speed goods siding and a non scenic low use extension to a fiddle yard. I'd have to look into powering the frog's on the points - I'll likely attack it in the way I've done on my electrogros elsewhere. Does anyone have any tips for point motors with these? Bearing in mind I'm running a DC layout. I was thinking Thanks for any advice!
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