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Everything posted by PG67

  1. ,The photos of the fullscale 2-6-2 taken at Bude in August 1959. First, waiting at the main platform. The other showing the cab roof, safety valves etc. Cars in the background, the Vauxhalls of HH and Dad, his son on the rough road past the goodshed leading to Bude abattoir. More personal thoughts available if needs be. Peter
  2. HIstory and recollections of the Rydes Vale Quarry line. It was bought in 1958 to see what could be produced in a scale smaller than 00. HH Groves had various Lone Star models for his grandchildren to play with and N scale was just becoming known. The track was relaid to HH standard and the original ran from Platform 1 (nearest station building ending in a small engine shed ) to the hidden turntable under the village. August 1959 - Bert's 7 year old nephew is perched on his uncle's shoulders to take photos of the cab roof, safety valve, etc of a locomotive at Bude station. (Unknowingly), this was to become the signature 2-6-2 of the line. HH handwound all his loco's armatures, a skill he passed to another son. To be allowed into his workshop was a privilege, strictly no women, conversations with him rare. Those with Bert often contained "thou" (-sandths of an inch), references to back-to-back measurements and various clearances (eg signals) HH and Bert were always at Bude station during the family holiday. Bert after his 7am seasurf, HH was 77. There were always odd pieces of plywooded track lying in HH's garage. Winter 1960/61 - One Saturday the MPD and goods yard appeared in HH's living room, the engine shed removed to be replaced by 3 connected sidings under new cliffs. This was the line's new termination and storage. Spring 1961 - The 3 of us piled into Bert's Traveller, HH in he front plus both separate sections of layout. The Rydes Vale Quarry Line was exhibited at Central Hall in 1961,62,& 63. HH's poor health prevented 1964. Concept of revised line- Rolling stock to Plat 1, loco attached, coupled automatically. Points set (a button press), signal (by signal box) similarly. Porter waved green flag (attached wire underneath, handjiggled) Loco whistled (buzzer) Train headed along main line, the Gaugemaster controller (still works) set to HalfWave. Racing was strictly not allowed, slowness for realism. Bert always gave a running commentary for the kids, HH operated the trains. Off to hidden turntable under village (back garden of Airfix-based cottage had washing hanglng on theline - Bert to amuse everyone) and be rotated.) Either part revolution to hidden siding (added later) under cliff. Or return journey to station. Set route etc. Wagons to goods yard. Carriages (sure there were 2/3 GWR chocolate cream as well as red BR suburbans) Wagons (HH plastic injection moulded) to goods yard. Uncouple (press button - magnetic uncoupling) train in station (say plat 2) Loco to resited engine shed (rear wall now removed) for servicing, ('magically') it disappeared (to kids' delight) reappears probably turned round on short turntable by loops. Awaits next duty,etc, repeated. At home a single track also led led from the engine shed's rear round his wife's sewing machine for real HH servicing. This did not last long! We lost Grandpa HH 'Pop' Groves late January 1965 a few days from Winston Churchill, the last time the line was seen running. All The Best for its restoration. Great Idea. Trains will and are to run again. Look forward to more. Peter
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