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Everything posted by MattTovey

  1. I wouldn't normally travel such a distance to a show from Essex but the layout list convinced me plus I get free travel to as far as Reading where I met a mate and we drove rest of way. I my opinion overall a great show layout wise but which due to certain aspects many out of control of the club, won't be overcome for future shows unless one change is made - the venue. Positives The quality and number of layouts was 1st class and lots of continuous movement and scales (no 009 but I think that more to do with a layout cancelling) Loved the idea of the talks, although I didn't get to sit in on any as lots to see in the expansive venue It was worth the £12 entry fee due to the amount of layouts Great to see what looked like so many non traditional model rail fans, ie instead lots of families at the show Good catering and lots of parking although full but not the fault of the show and saw people having a go at stewards for something which is the problem of the visitor, get there earlier before everyone else does if you want a space without waiting. I saw Museum of Transport for first time and it made me laugh and gasp in pleasure and a great surprise, I loved it! Negatives The venue is completely wrong in my opinion for the huge number of visitors. It has been mentioned before but Health and Safety seemed to take second fiddle to cramming in as many layouts as possible. I saw one lady trip over a the crocodile parking ramp, which was the only way to get across the road from venue areas, no warning sign it is is a a non standard ramp on the outer side where people where entering. During a fire evacuation, the main steward who despite being dressed in all the safety gear, radios and bits of kit and body amour had what seemed a mini meltdown and just stood there and didn't know what to do, instead a layout operator took over and in a loud voice told everyone to evacuate, only then to have everyone just standing outside on a exit car park area with no stewards or staff to get them away from an active road area. Do they not have event risk matrix procedures in place? More money spent on training and less on bullet proof jackets for your stewards please! Layouts like Moors View which will get lots of attention was pushed into one corner of a small room where if you wanted to see it, you stopped people browsing on one of the few trade stands at the show as they shared the same small viewing space. I know in their show video, the presenter made fun of having layouts in a hospital ward, but why o why did they decide to put them there? The events programme had no relevance to where or what was on show and gave no indication as to what was where and even how to get to areas and had many mistakes and very small fonts. . The main hall which had all the big layouts, pure guess work where it is and then when there, surely that little door in the side can't be the entrance, oh it is! Pity no one there to guide everyone. I actually told a layout that I hoped they will be best in show (Museum of Transport) and was told that had already been decided. This 45 mins after the start of the show, so how can best in show be decided even before the show starts, surely some layouts wont even be fully operational yet. BTW the winner, also I liked, but I still think it should have gone to Museum of Transport. The Trade - lack of it. I think I noticed so many non modeller types ie families as there was only limited trade support and with this in mind, they restricted the attraction to modellers willing to spend. I think due to sheer numbers attending, they will repeat same format as it obviously works commercially, however the customer experience and safety of customers does need to be looked at. Will I go again, if in the area Yes, as love model railways but it wont be a nice experience and next year, if in area, might opt for a Swindon instead as an alternative.
  2. Saw this yesterday in the Daily Express, nice to see some positive external media about our hobby
  3. I had a Kato controller which I did not realise at the time came with a power pack suitable for N gauge and for many months used it to power 00 track and only realised should have use a dedicated 00 gauge Kato transformer instead when came to sell it and saw on Ebay others with either N or OO gauge power packs. However, my 00 gauge stock ran fine with the N gauge power pack.
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