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Everything posted by locorailroad

  1. Testing graphics: colours & shadows https://youtu.be/Bel1FU3CYlU
  2. https://youtu.be/KuEhWP9Pa1I Small layout. Major update. Complete gameplay available in updated build. Track laying, buildings & wagons. Coupling/uncoupling. Switches.
  3. Work on the game is progressing with Rocket's speed [1829], slow & steady. For a "simple" concept it's surprisingly complicated. Next major update will include ability to lay track [semi-automated], choice of buildings & wagons. For the time being it is released as Early Access on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1091240/LOCO_Railroad/ It might take be a while [depending on external factors] before it reaches beta version but it will get there.
  4. Valid point. Added explanation. In fact I might revert to fixing camera at set height [with option to follow the locomotive]
  5. Shifting camera angles shows the ability to shift camera angles. Camera can be fixed to locomotive or free-roaming.
  6. This would encroach into realm of engineering [lots of variables]. Can be done but how many people would appreciate [or even notice] this? Nothing wrong with having true representation of physics but [and this is quite big BUT] who would have paid to have it? Early demo "Cows on the train"
  7. This would encroach into realm of engineering [lots of variables]. Can be done but how many people would appreciate [or even notice] this? Nothing wrong with having true representation of physics but [and this is quite big BUT] who would be interested in paying to have this included? My initial assumption is this wouldn't be within interest of majority of gamers [I might be wrong though] On a side note. Let there be colours!
  8. New build Wheel animations Sound effects Bug fixes
  9. Project update. Improved train behaviour - manual decoupling & automatic coupling, switch points
  10. Update. New physics of train [more realistic movement] New feature: wagon de-coupling
  11. Update. Playable demo http://locorailroad.com/downloads/
  12. Modelling 60s GWR branch with BR Class 03 Modelling LOCOrailroad.com
  13. LOCOrailroad Having been a fan of train-related stuff for a long time I recently had an opportunity to start a new project that could fulfil my expectations for a decent train game [technical progress in indie engines & availability of suitable assets] My thoughts went to create not another train simulator, but a simulator focused on model railways. There has been at least 30 TSs but none of them seem to focus on model railway experience - great level of details, realistic physics, camera setup - everything that makes operating & watching model railways a soothing experience. As I strongly believe in UPOD [Under Promise, Over Deliver] principle I won't be going into further details until I have something to prove it. At the moment you can have a look at very first technical demo which tests basic features of software. Links provided on the website. LOCOrailroad
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