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Everything posted by bkrenderman

  1. I did this tutorial on weathering 3d printed portal for N scale. hope you like!
  2. Hi everyone. I have made this Arduino based auto reverse loop that works by detecting shorts just like Digitrax AR1. I hope you find it useful - let me know if this can be improved -
  3. Hope you like these anyrail layout planning software tutorials -
  4. Here I have tried to describe how I did planing, visualization and virtual tour in Anyrail 3D . hope you like.
  5. I am adding few more track work to this previously final layout its really tight at this point but I am trying to add some space in front - https://youtu.be/ZVd7SiGpPd0
  6. Yes you can use simple servo attached to Piano wire. but the reason i am building this is to address 2 things. One is obvious we need to switch frog polarity and that's where the SPDT switch helps. but second thing is more important and that is to use the Sensors to get the point position to the controller so it knows the current state of the point and accordingly can take decisions on automatic train operations. I will be posting second video soon.
  7. I dont have access to the after market point motor so decided to make my own from servo with proper linear motion. your suggestion are welcome i will be making frog connections later. https://youtu.be/k7aY2UCjAMY
  8. Part-1 - Designing the bridge https://youtu.be/KADP3xJdvDE Part-2 - Designing the Pier https://youtu.be/qgvr_cX_54c Part-3 - 3D Printing
  9. Hi Here is my very small 4 * 2 N scale Layout called Rambridge. hope you like Introduction- https://youtu.be/YdIm9IQ8Ty8 Progress - 2 https://youtu.be/_6jWJLvdGYo Progress - 3 https://youtu.be/_shmQo0oJzM Final Layout- https://youtu.be/ZVd7SiGpPd0
  10. Hi this is my first post, i recently completed my very compact Layout 4*2 feet. here is the video - https://youtu.be/ZVd7SiGpPd0 hope you like it. I have also made several video of my progress on this layout which you can check on my channel.
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