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Everything posted by RAY NORWOOD

  1. Car is loaded for Trainwest exhibition this weekend, will be picking up Richard at about 17.00 for the drive to Cosham.
  2. I'll be there with Yard Shunter. I will be operating it with my mini compute called Raspberry Pi but still need to use my NCE Power Cab. I am stopping at Mother in laws for the week.
  3. I have made two Cambrian kit coal wagons to go as a permanent fixture at the coaling stage. I took some pictures of the detail that I have put into the shed before gluing the shed down. The loco is a Airfix kit that have left out the front driving wheels and the bogie and propped up the front as if it is lifted by the crane that I have made inside the repair shed. The rods of the kit are laying down beside the loco on bearers, as with the springs. I have put lots of loco shed bit in that I got from GEM. I have not glued the pillars down yet
  4. Looking very good. Is it going to Helston later this month.
  5. Hi Ray I got a separate keyboard. It has a mouse pad and it is remote using a small dongle in the Raspberr Pi usb port. I got it from amazon the item is RIP KOIXI 2.4 GHZMINI Wireless keyboard with mouse touch pad remote control KODI XMBC remote. Cost me £9.39
  6. Hi Thank you for your comment. I do my best to get the detail write and with your comment it makes me proud of what I have done. Thank you
  7. I have been working on a Raspberry Pi with JMRI to control this layout and Yard Shunter. See Yard Shunter for more details. Click on the link below.
  8. After being at Stafford the other weekend I had ago on a 5 inch touch screen with no successes, when installing the drivers the raspberry pi kept crashing, after weeks of trying to sort this out I decided to send this 5 inch screen back and got myself a raspberry pi 7 inch touch screen. it was suppose to be plug and play but when booting up the raspberry pi the screen was upside down, so I went on Google search just what I was doing with the other screen but this time I found a code to put in on config.txt. what I had done was to go into. (sudo nano /boot/config.txt) then put in (lcd_rotate=2) then reboot, and the screen came on the right way up. all is working good know. I keep it all in a plastic box including the power cab controller. All I do is plug in the raspberry pi power into the USB plug and plug in the cable from the USB interface into the NCE Panel and the power for the NCE and the points. so it makes setting up and setting down very quick. I intend to use this on my new layout Feltham Road MPD as well.
  9. Hi Ray Did you download and install the keyboard onto the PI. Ray
  10. Richard and I had a fantastic weekend at the Huntingdon show. We left at 10am on Friday and got there about 15.30pm and got home at 22.00pm and in between was a fantastic show, and the club looked after us very well. it was worth the long journey for a fantastic show. Hounslow Sidings next show is at Trainwest at Corsham on the 8th and 9th April.
  11. Hounslow Sidings is out at Huntingdon show for the St Neots Model Railway Club at Wood Green Animal Charity Centre, Huntingdon, this weekend. Don't hesitate to say hi and ask any questions.
  12. Long awaited update on the Shed. I have painted the inside of the shed and put the white wash paint on the lower part, there was no lights inside the shed so the walls was white washed half way up to help brighten the light inside the shed. The office bock is glued onto the main shed and the roof glued on as well, with the two chimneys glued on the roof. the main roof is just put in place, it will be glued on when I glue the shed down and the rest of the roof will be left of so you can see the inside. I got the roof to do on the repair shed, the down pipes and some fixed ladders, so hopefully it will be glued in place at long last. O I forgot I am going to put a Airfix Schools class in the repair shed with the front hanging from the crane with the tender parked outside..
  13. It's looking very good Bill. I like the ID Backscene I have used them on Hounslow and got them on Feltham as well. I used three M's spray glue on mine as well.
  14. Hi Ray Did get keyboard come up on your ipad. As I am not getting the keyboard on my tablet.
  15. Hi Ray I am very pleased with my Raspberry pi in way it worked at Stafford. When we got home on Sunday I had my mind on having ago on the LCD Touchscreen that was not as easy as I thought, the Pi kept freezing when installing the drivers, so I have been searching on the Web and you tube for answers I found a a forum run by a guy called Peter Scargill and does a load of different thing, he did a bit on a LCD Touchscreen. So I tryed his idea, I had to go into the config.txt and put a bottle ten commands, that worked but the calibration is all wrong he was not clear on what to do with the calibration. Still trying to sort this out.I want to you's the touchscreen so I don't have to take my laptop. I'm glade you got your pi working OK and got the ipad working with it. I used XRDP for connection to the laptop but VNC for my tablet. Yes the install of the raspbian takes a long time and also the upgrade. I take it you now a bit about computer programming.
  16. Thanks you Andy. I was like that at first but I did my research on YouTube and forums. We had a good trip home, we got on the road at 16.45, only hold up was M6 to M5 we got home about 20.45 did all the journey without a stop for tea break.
  17. Thank you to all who commented on this thread. I tryed to explane the Raspberry pi at the best as I could, yes I know it is all mind bogling. Thanks to all your comments. I wish to thank all the Stafford members for putting on a fantastic show and for your hospitality for the weekend and especially the Saturday night at the Redhill bar.
  18. Used Shunter is all set up and the Raspbery pi is working nicly.
  19. Hi RayBy all mains come have a word on Saturday. Will try to explane things with you.
  20. I have been working on a new idea of controlling Yard Shunter by using a Raspberry Pi through a WIFI router to operate Yard Shunter and Feltham Road MPD on my mobile phone and I will be taking Yard Shunter to Stafford this weekend so Richard and will be shunting with it there.
  21. Hi Bill Looking good bill. Doing a fantastic job on this.
  22. HI Bill Thanks for your comment. It is a slow process as I am only working on it for few hours in the morning.
  23. Hi Duncan Thanks for your comments. I cannot wait to get the windows in then I can do the finishing touches.
  24. Update on the shed. Progress is coming on slowly. The roof and chimney is made of 40thu Plasticard. The roof has ribs on the top is of 10thu x 1mm wide set at 15mm apart and the over hanging lip on top is again 40thu x 5mm. The glassing on the front is polycarbonate with 10thu x 1mm strips at 10mm apart. Office block and roof plus chimney is not glued in place as yet. The office block I have put leds in and now is just waiting for windows. The chimneys is of 40thu Plasticard with brick embossed card around it, on the top is strips of brick emboss card cut in various widths start with one wide then a bit smaller and so on. Mudmagnet is doing my window frames for me, so I will be starting fitting them in very soon.
  25. That's a good idea bill and it works. Like to pics of the ballast down.
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