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Stoat's Nest

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Everything posted by Stoat's Nest

  1. Was the H1 style of safety valve shown in both pictures patented and if so, did it have a specific name? Without this particular piece of information it would make a search in say, Alan Gibson's list or Wizard models a protracted and very tedious business. Also, for another project I would like to locate some 4mm scale Salter safety valves (the kind fitted to all the Terrier domes). Lastly, I'm looking for a source for a flat circular plinth-like base on which sits a small single safety valve/whistle, as on some early Billinton E series tanks and Stroudley's 'West Brighton' tank. Actually it's been sitting under my nose all the time: EB models has a page on the E3 radial and they make a model of it complete with Salter safety valves and that single whistle sitting on its little plinth. I found two photos of the class both in Stroudley Goods green, one of them shows a spanking new, just outshopped Watersfield no. 457, probably photographed at Brighton. That photo's too big to load here, but the one below of Storrington will do, though the engine's starting to look a bit grimey. vince
  2. Was the style of safety valve shown in both pictures patented and if so, did it have a specific name? vince
  3. Hi, I'm in the process of repainting Bachmann's LBSCR H1 Atlantic. It comes by default as No. 39 which, although put into revenue service by the 'Brighton line' in 1905/6, did not acquire its name 'La France' until 1913. Having looked at a number of photos of No. 39 and the other locos belonging to this batch (37-41) of H1's, I notice that they all seemed to have had their tenders inscribed with the letters: 'L B & S C R and not 'L B S C' as Bachmann has chosen. See photo of No. 38 taken in 1907 shown below. Douglas Marsh revised the company's lettering at sometime before 1913 and I want to model this Atlantic during the period between 1906 and 1910. The loco's number, painted directly on the cab side in large numerals, is also wrong for this period since all the photos I've seen show each number on a brass plate fixed to the cab side, as with earlier Brighton locos of the Stroudley and Billinton era. I need to find a source of 4mm scale etched brass number plates to provide the correct 1/76 scale plates. An initial internet search hasn't proved fruitful so far. Does anyone know of a suitable supplier. The other thing that seems not quite right about the Bachmann loco is that the safety valve, just in front of the cab, is not the correct type: in contemporary photos the valve is more square than on Bachmann's offering(see photo attached). I believe that Transfers of the correct lettering style are available from EB Models (Ian MacCormac) and also include the right type of company logo for the driving wheel splashers as shown in the picture. When I tried to contact him through the email address on his EB site I got back an email undeliverable message, so I need a contact that actually works. Vince
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