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Posts posted by MrWolf

  1. There's a similar problem with old Yamaha's and other bikes such as Norton which used the same pattern indicator. The rear ones are vulnerable to parking knocks, luggage and being kicked when you swing your leg over the saddle. On Diversions they were mounted on the plastic splash guard / number plate mount which tends to crack with age or vibrate itself to bits, though I suspect that like most things it was perfectly good enough for something with a design life of less than a decade.

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  2. That looks like a very useful thing to be able to make. I'd like to have had a pound for every broken or mismatched set of indicators I've seen on bikes made in the last forty years. They always seem to be either unobtainable or stupidly expensive and a lot of the generic sets you can buy look like they came out of a bubblegum machine.

    If it proves stronger than the originals (which seem to be eggshell china) you might just have a cottage industry.


    As for me: Hooray for hand signals!

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  3. It makes up into a very nice model with a number of different options style wise and you've reminded me that I need to make up a little black post to tether the chain on the end of the pipe to. I presume that it's to stop the pipe swinging about in strong winds. Blame or thank @chuffinghellfor spotting the one bit Ratio didn't include in the kit.

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  4. 43 minutes ago, John M Upton said:


    Isn't that the mascot artwork for when we next host the Olympic Games?


    Not really any cr@pper than the 2012 logo, so you might have something there!

    • Like 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, Rowsley17D said:


    I don't think he would be too pleased with St Aubyn.


    Could well be taking a header down the temple steps with a very famous sandal up his backside I imagine.

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  6. 1 hour ago, eastglosmog said:

    It would be better if the author of these travesties did a bit of research to find out how fire tube locomotive boilers go together.  There is a gap at the top and sides of the firebox tubeplate to enable water and steam to circulate around the firebox - the firebox crown generates a lot of the steam!


    It's not that hard to find reference material.




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  7. 1 hour ago, pete_mcfarlane said:

    I wish I hadn't clicked on that 'scrap loco link'. Now eBay is trying to sell me lots of similar junk. 



    I get that too as a result of looking at items on this thread:


    "Similarly bad items recommended for you"

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  8. 2 hours ago, Esmedune said:

    Talking about scrappers....  Yeah, sure, take the boiler away, but leave some of the pipes behind....🙄



    Interesting that it's in circa 1968 condition, but still carries prewar LNER livery on the tender.... sloppy....


    Add to that (having used a gas axe quite a bit) if they cut off the top of the boiler, to then cut away the boiler tubes, why is the bottom section of the boiler barrel missing? You just wouldn't cut it up like that. Access is virtually impossible unless you climb underneath and then you run the risk of the bottom half of the barrel falling on you.

    You would cut the top half off, cut out all the tubes then stand inside the empty bottom half of the barrel and cut that through.

    Considering what's being asked for these siding fillers, the builders might want to refer to some of the hundreds of pictures of locos being scrapped.



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  9. I've had lots of useful bits and pieces from 247 over the last few years, never had any problems. No connection, just a happy customer. 

    Which reminds me I need to order a pair of plates and smokebox dart for 2291.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Paul H Vigor said:

    Says it's been "touched up"? Probably requires a course of CBT to overcome those traumas!


    Depending on the size of brush used that may even stray into EMDR territory.

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