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Blog Entries posted by DanInHisDen

  1. DanInHisDen

    As this is a model railway, I need some engines. I have been thinking about what engines will be used and have come to the conclusion that I should look to the Colonel Stephens Railways for inspiration. The locomotives that were mainly used were Ex - Mainline engines (I.E LB&SCR A1 Class 'Terriers', LSWR 282 Class 'Ilfracombe Goods') so his railways will be my inspiration.
    The Locos that I have chosen are:
    No. 1 An Ex - ROD Porter 0-6-0T called 'Shropshire'. No. 2 Ex - GE&SER J33 Class 0-4-2 called 'Archimedes'. No. 3 A Peckett W4 0-4-0 called 'Shamrock'. No. 4 Ex - LB&SCR A1X Class 0-6-0T (Formerly No. 47 'Cheapside') called 'Athena'. No. 5 Ex - LB&SCR E1 Class 0-6-0T  (Formerly No. 98 Marseilles) called 'Princess Emma Walton'. No. 6 Ex - LMS 2P 4-4-0 called 'Lady of the Lake' No. 7 Ex - DRB BR89.2 0-6-0 'Rhine' No. 8  Manning, Wardle & Company Works No. 1624 'Modeus' No. 9 Hunslet 16in 0-6-0ST 'Captain Birdseye' No. 10 Kerr, Stuart 'Victory' 0-6-0T 'Imayne Moreau'
    As the Great Eastern & South-End Railway is a fictional company, the locomotive that will be used as a stand-in will be a OOWorks Adams Jubilee 0-4-2 in black. This is as close as I can get as a RTR model to the 0-4-2 J33.
    No. 8 Is a fictional engine built by Hudswell Clarke and will be represented by a modified Hornby Polly, I do have one with a broken chassis which is what I will use.
    The livery will be plain black with 'A&CBLR' inscribed on the Cabside, Watertank(s), Coal Bunker or Tender with the Number where - ever I think looks correct. Nameplates will be purchased from Narrow Planet / Light Railway Stores.
    This is an example of the livery:
  2. DanInHisDen

    This is the bit where I show a 'detailed' plan. Well, as detailed as a 2 Min mock up of what the first bit will look like.
    I am modelling a fictional light railway called 'The Ashbury & County Blackton Light Railway (A&CBLR)'. I will have a loop layout (I.E Hornby TrakMat) with 2 Stations.
    The 2 Stations are:
    1. Ashbury Village (I might change the name of it in the future)
    2. Foxley Halt 

  3. DanInHisDen
    This is my layout plan. The Waiting room and other things (canopy & fence) will span all of the 1st platform and the canopy will span all of the island platform, the tunnel just leads to the fiddle yard. In my family's word i just "Want a space to play trains" (my late great-grandad would disagree with that statement as he was the man who got me interested in model railways and railways in general. He took me to the NRM when I was 3 which set my love for railways of with a BANG!)
  4. DanInHisDen
    Because i do not have the space for a full layout and because i am arachnophobic (so i am not going into the loft/attic) Because of these factors, i have decided to construct a shunting layout.
    Because of this I am thinking of purchasing these from scalemodelscenery.co.uk :
    Layout baseboard: https://www.scalemodelscenery.co.uk/bb018-micro-layout-baseboard-in-a-box-2-730-x-95-x-207mm-8706-p.asp
    Fiddle Yard: https://www.scalemodelscenery.co.uk/bb022-twin-track-photo-plank--fiddle-yard--dcc-programming-track-baseboard-400mm-x-150mm-9189-p.asp
    I am thinking of a War Department Dockyard, The old mines in my home village of Silverdale, A country station or a pottery factory as i live near / in Stoke-On-Trent. Would someone mind telling me which one is good for a beginner modeller. I am thinking of the country station as I would like to do both freight and passenger trains. The maximum i want to run is 0-6-0 tank engines (Mainly the Hattons P Class) And At least one Coach, A Goods Wagon And A Brake Van. This is because i love tank engines.
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