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Paul G

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Status Updates posted by Paul G

  1. This second image is the reverse angle looking from Gilby Rd bridge toward the A180 flyover. A small scenic stretch as per the prototype between two natural scenic breaks. The staging area is just large enough to take freight trains that are just large enough.


    1. Corbs


      hi mate, you might want to put these into a thread as these status updates are gone after a day or so. It's a bit like shouting in a crowded marketplace.

    2. Paul G

      Paul G

      Thanks I'm just getting to grips with useing the site again. I'd not been using that long then it was down for ages.

    3. Mallard60022


      Yes, deffo, start a Layout Thread as your work is superb. Very easy to do. Go to Layouts and just start a new Topic. You will get more following than on a Blog as well.



  2. Have not up loaded much in a while as I've been working on producing this fairly modest model of Great coates sidings No1.

    The picture here looking toward Gilby Rd bridge and the sidings beyond (off scene) from the A180 flyover.


  3. Finally got round to finishing off the Ratio kit for this LNER Lattice Jn starter.


  4. Had a very pleasant day working on various things on the layout and to top it all off a new thing arrived by post.


  5. First post on RMweb. Picture of my 00 loft layout from a few months back.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paul G

      Paul G

      I also like to play with this rather "big" trainset. Though for the time being the corona virus outbreak has put a stop to it this year.


    3. Corbs


      All three look great! Please do start a layout thread, would love to see more


    4. Paul G

      Paul G

      Hi Corbs, just gettingused to useing the site. would be good to start a layout thread once I had a chance to see how to do that.

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