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Status Updates posted by AngusDe

  1. daughter on the beach with 4yo granddaughter, trying to get her to write her name in the sand with a stick but with no luck. "what are you doing?..." "train tracks!" Proud grandadaycare chuckles......

  2. Showered, deodorant applied, heading to Glasgow.

  3. Just back from the traditional drive round the local petrol stations in search of NINE "C" batteries,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      'tis the season to make profits,

      Falalalalala, lalalala, etc....

    3. Isambard Kingdom Brunel

      Isambard Kingdom Brunel

      What uses that size batteries these days, I thought it was all AA or AAA


    4. MarkC


      That is SERIOUSLY "Ouch" :(

  4. And so it begins.... Bought my 20mo granddaughter a chuggington train set in tesco, tee hee!....

    1. RedgateModels


      George is having lots of Chuggington from Santa too!

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