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Horsehay Railway Modeller

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Posts posted by Horsehay Railway Modeller

  1. The earliest photos on my phone still are from around August 21.


    Having Installed the station as discussed after a few weeks I decided to repaint all of the brickwork to match. 


    A burnt umber paint was applied before going over the mortar with diluted deck tan. These photos are before weathering. 


    You can also see sculptamold and brown paint applied to the coal sidings. 





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  2. Apologies for lack of posting, my summer was disrupted by some. Major personal events. Not much progress was made on coalorsdale before coming back to uni and not much progress was made over Christmas either. I will update this thread at some point with what little was accomplished but the bulk of the work I have done in recent months has been on West canal sidings. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Northroader said:

    You used to get block coal trains to Buildwas power station back then. West Midlands up to the mid 50s, then CEGB. They turned off at Lightmoor and through Madeley  Junction to Wednesbury yard, usually powered by a 57xx. Later on it was MGR wagons behind a 47.


    Thanks for the tip, I'm sure I'll buy some someday. 

  4. Got back home yesterday evening. Today I have unpacked everything and amongst other things I have gotten coalorsdale back up and running. 




    A few gremlins as always. 

    - a short on the lighting bus, now fixed. 


    - I had to rewire the choc blocks for the lenz system to match the new layouts standards. 


    - I had to re install the dcc accessory decoder I had borrowed to set up the new layout. 


    - the storage yard mimic board had fallen off of the wall and needed fixing. 


    - a signal had been knocked over  when my parents showed a family friend the layout. 


    All now resolved. 


    I've also opened my new wagons from ebay. 8 mineral wagons with coal loads. One is still on the bench with a new coupling gluing up but the rest were perfect out of the box and run very well. 





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  5. 5 hours ago, MrWolf said:

    That model clock tower puts me in mind of the one on the works head office on Iain Rice's Tregarric layout from way back. That was one of the layouts which inspired me to move from trainset to model railway.

    Hopefully it will look good once finished, need to make the works building too!! 


    Here's a first print for one of the warehouse doors. Hopefully it looks less like a radiator once it's got a few layers of paint on it. 





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  6. Ignore my last, prairie is on its way back to Sheffield. I worked my debit card a little hard over the past month and I decided it was best to just get some money back. Also I wasn't overall enthralled by the loco for the reasons below. 


    a. I already have a prairie

    b. The sound was nothing to go running home about. 

    C. It needed some work, I. E. Running gear and paint touch ups. 


    Hopefully I get a full refund and the. I will have some money again. 

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  7. I'm back from Cornwall and will be at uni for another week untill I return home to Shropshire. 


    Some of my ebay purchases were waiting for me, such as this beautiful prairie. Some touch ups and weathering required but I do like the polished tanks the previous owner has applied. 




    It is a Hornby offering bought second hand and has a dcc sound chip. 

    Does anyone on here recognise it? I think it's a loksound v4. 


    The gold text under the sticker reads ESU LS4N





  8. 1 minute ago, whart57 said:

    I presume you've had a look at the Dawley Heritage site with the pictures of Horsehay Works. Some interesting products to be shipped there, sadly none shown being shipped. I'll put the link here, maybe others can advise on how things like cast iron columns would get shipped out.




    Cheers, Indeed I've seen this gallery many times, there are certainly some very interesting castings. Current plan is to 3d print a few. 

  9. The latest of my impulse purchases is another green 61xx. Its a slightly newer Hornby model than my current one, and is also dcc sound fitted!. 


    I will probably keep both, I may end up weathering them to different levels or even respraying one into black. 


    I'll get some photos and videos up when I get back to uni next week. 

  10. Evening all, 

    I've been thinking about goods movements on the layout and in particular for the works. 


    My main plan for when I return home next month is to get some of the buildings and scenery finished on the Industrial area, as well as working on rolling stock and goods movements. 


    I bought a job lot of kadee couplers a few weeks ago so I can continue to get individual wagons fitted. 


    I've also just won 8 mineral wagons with coal loads and kadee couplers fitted. 


    Here is some of the traffic I think the works needs. The output lists some of the specific items I wish to represent. 



    - coal / coke

    - oil

    - limestone

    - iron ore

    - pig iron

    - sand ( for moulds) 

    - refractory brick (for kiln repairs) 

    - General goods / machinery parts. 



    - small domestic castings (crates / vans) 

    - gates / fences 

    - columns 

    - Bridge parts

    -  beams 


    Does anyone have any other ideas for in / out traffic. Or even specific wagons used for each type of traffic. 




  11. Still waiting for the figures. 


    I've been planning the works area in my head and using photos. I wasn't happy with the large building at the front of the scene so I'm working on the idea of a y point leading to a 4 th siding, this will keep most of the area at baseboard level - allowing for easy viewing and shunting. 


    The 4 th siding will go Off the edge of the baseboard and continue on to the "rest of the yard". It will also allow for a small single story warehouse with a loading dock. 


    Of course all of this is theoretical until I get home in july







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  12. I'm starting to think if things I can do whilst down in cornwall to prepare for going home to the main layout. For now I have another shopping trip planned, this time to kernow sometime In The next fortnight. 


    I've also just bought a few figures from hardys hobbies. A footplate crew for my new peckett and two workers for the yard. 


    I bought the unpainted versions so I will have something to do when Im here. If they come out well I might have a look at a few more. 

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