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Everything posted by TylerTrainFan2001

  1. https://discord.gg/TYuJrH Join my East West Rail - Bletchley discord server. Where we will be uploading images, videos, news and updates.
  2. I saw a rail replacement bus went through water Eaton tunnel today. Pretty tight for the driver to get through. But number 4s and 7s stop now at the Railway station to drop passengers off
  3. Can’t wait to see the new cranes. When will they start work on the bridge removing them?
  4. The workmen are preparing to close buckingham road today. Just doing the pedestrian access first.
  5. https://www.railadvent.co.uk/2020/07/next-phase-of-bletchley-flyover-removal-set-to-begin.html?fbclid=IwAR2EFjL5GgOEXF05rGDpqjGzMJD7VooACulENbEPwA38MckxoHsyTs_iR9Q found an article on Facebook about the upcoming project on East West Rail
  6. I saw that they have done some more cutting work on the spans on my way home tonight. This Sunday the road will be closed. I wonder when the crane will come?
  7. On Buckingham Road where the Brunel Centre roundabout is workmen were removing the black railings from the pedestrian crossings today.
  8. I wonder where the number 4 and 7 buses will go? I saw on a recent picture that two buses went down to water Eaton bridge, how can they do that? I don’t think the big long blue buses cannot get under there. I can’t wait to see the new crane!
  9. As I went on my travels today, I saw that the workmen were on the bridge above near the roundabout is next to the pub. Looks like they are getting ready for some more sections to be lifted out. Some concrete blocks are missing in the flyover. If you go to duncombe street where Halfords is you will know what I am on about.
  10. If you mean what else is happening near the site in Bletchley. There is only just Roadworks on Water Eaton Road for 6-7 weeks. Just removing the give ways, islands. However, adding In speed bumps, repainting zebra crossings, re tarmac the road and adding speed cameras and restriction signs.
  11. Is there any new updates about the big blue crane getting packed away? I did see this morning that men were climbing the crane where they attach the weights maybe they are pulling in the wires and taking apart the crane arm.
  12. I went past here today by car and I saw that they were dismantling the crane. I wonder when the new big crane will come? Recently on Water Eaton Road they removed a give way section which I noticed today as well.
  13. Any new updates on the flyover today, I think that they will be lifting a section up tonight Or in the sunrise of tomorrow morning.
  14. I went past here this morning and I saw nothing yet. I did see the the third section is now off the hook of the crane but no demolition on section 2 and 3. However I did notice that they are removing the columns as well as the bridge sections. I have no pictures though I’m afraid
  15. This is fantastic, what happened to the second span? Did that get demolished? Is there 4 sections out or 3?
  16. I found these on Network Rail and a London Euston Twitter Page when they lifted the flyover at night.
  17. I don’t know if you heard apparently that Mercury House is getting converted into Residential flats. Once they built the flats, the occupants will get a good view of the trains going over the Flyover.
  18. I found these from this YouTube video here, it gives you little snap shots of inside Mercury House and some of the East West Rail Link.
  19. Overlooking onto the B4034 for the East West Rail Link, they have been chopping down trees.
  20. This is amazing! I saw this happen this morning, I thought they would have took them somewhere else to get demolished.
  21. Just seen some images of the Bletchley flyover being lifted out in the sunset on Saturday. I would really love to see more pictures of the flyover being lifted out. Has anyone got any videos being lifted out.
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