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  1. Thanks for the replies. I did a reset on the zephyr and everything is working again. Not sure how it happened, but the reset has solved the problem.
  2. The transformer I'm using the Gaugemaster GMC-T1 (2 X 16V AC 1 amp outputs). The power at the decoders is reading the same as the unused output. Any other suggestions on what could be causing the problem?
  3. Power supply is showing the correct voltage (it's brand new, bought to power the Lenz's specifically). The only things being powered by it are the Lenz decoders. I'd take the items to a local shop, but obviously they are all shut due to the current lockdown.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I've tried to do a factory reset on one of the decoders but it doesn't appear to work. I've also tried reprogramming the addresses and it doesn't move off the solid LED on the decoder. Is it possible it's the Zephyr that's causing the problem? I bought it about 10 years ago but it has been in the box for the bulk of that time unused.
  5. I've recently returned to the hobby and have had my points operated via 6 LS150's and 2 DS64's, the controller is a Digitrax Zephyr. Power to the LS150's is via a Gaugemaster transformer. Up until today the decoders have all been working fine but today all of the LS150's have stopped responding to point controls (the DS64's work but they are connected via Loconet). I can still control trains (although I did have trouble with 1 of the loco's responding to the allocated address but that has been sorted). I've checked that there is power on both the track feed and power feed on the LS150's. I'm stuck as to what to try next to find the fault. Is it possible they have all failed at the same time? They were only purchased in the last month or 2. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
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