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Canal Digger

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Everything posted by Canal Digger

  1. My next project is the repair of a French Dinky Railcar. One is missing it's chassis, so I am going to make a replacement from a piece of sheet steel and araldite it back in place. I have sourced dome new tyres, wheels & axles from Model-Supplies. I have an extra set of tyres coming as I do believe the perishing ones will last much longer.
  2. Given that there are people out there who deliberately cause crashes to claim injury with their witnesses ready at the scene, I waiting to see what happens when one of the targets a self-driving car.
  3. Even if everyone only used cycles ever (somewhat impractical!) there would still be accidents so not zero risk.
  4. Why not take self-driving cars/ trucks/ buses on a few steps, link them together in convoys on special lanes, with some guidance system. At intervals there could be stops to allow individual vehicles to disengage and form into other convoys until destination reached. Would only require one control system at front and a safety link front to back. Idea might need (as idea catches on) various loops around stops, with a control system, so that faster convoys can pass. Idea could develop so that we would not need our own car but share a compartment with others going the same direction and get on/ off at stops. At these stops there would be other self-driving compartments so that your journey can continue. Anyone want to help patent this idea? What would we call it?
  5. Perhaps the wife meant 120 deg as a compass bearing?
  6. Ah. Too many TLAs wait for it ... .... got it yet? .. TLA = Three Letter Acronyms
  7. Faith? The 2nd loco driver has faith in his brakes. The locals (& chickens) seam to have faith that they won't get run over as well
  8. err for the uninitiated LDC = ? Maybe I've not had enough coffee
  9. Have spent the morning clearing one corner of the garage onto the drive, the forecast is dry for the next few days, so had better cover it up now before the rain, hail & frogs fall. Anyway from underneath the debris and disappearing under the one corner of the pool table that I can get to is a flat, solid thing that SWMBO tells me is called a floor. Have any of you got such a thing? Back to bench building ...
  10. It’s Blurday - there are seven of them every week. I find that I have to do something different once a week, otherwise I loose track of the what day it is. What day is it?
  11. And today's mystery object .... Have I just bought a well played with, pre-production Dinky Coronation Scot? Pictured here alongside a sorry looking pre-WWII Dinky A4 Silver Jubilee (it was the 1st one that I found). I know that just post war, there were a number of small manufacturers making diecast trains but it does have all the 'hallmarks' of being a Dinky IMHO. Your thoughts please
  12. This is low and is a main road: https://goo.gl/maps/bgH6BEXnhZeJh4xh6 and this is a bus route: https://goo.gl/maps/iJTPXhhAnzou2uA7A OK not a main road and beaten (unercut?) by 5ft 6in local to me is this example on Jews Lane in Bath. Train line is the main line to Bristol https://www.google.com/maps/place/Jews+Ln,+Twerton,+Bath/@51.3798464,-2.3878289,3a,37.5y,11.35h,81.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLQb4knKq9N8rA1ACcZ7xjA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x48718133f5ac0f39:0x2b1e09e06cef773c!8m2!3d51.380308!4d-2.387738
  13. copied from my posting in 'ebay madness' Hi, I know that this thread is mainly about the madness of some ebay sellers but how about the madness of ebay itself? Having received a 'Final Warning' email (somewhat threatening) re updating my payment methods I wasted an hour on their chat line yesterday trying to understand. Apparently ebay are 'moving away' from Paypal.so they now need our bank a/c details to make payments to/ from. Given that I don't trust their security, no way am I giving them my main bank a/c details. so looks as if I have 2 options: Close my ebay a/c. What other auction sites are there out there please? Set up a separate bank a/c just for ebay I tried to explain that if Tesco changed their system so that customers had to open a separate bank a/c they would soon go out of business. I think the individual agreed, she was quiet for a few min, however could provide no alternative. Your thoughts please
  14. thanks, will look there
  15. Hi, I know that this thread is mainly about the madness of some ebay sellers but how about the madness of ebay itself? Having received a 'Final Warning' email (somewhat threatening) re updating my payment methods I wasted an hour on their chat line yesterday trying to understand. Apparently ebay are 'moving away' from Paypal.so they now need our bank a/c details to make payments to/ from. Given that I don't trust their security, no way am I giving them my main bank a/c details. so looks as if I have 2 options: Close my ebay a/c. What other auction sites are there out there please? Set up a separate bank a/c just for ebay I tried to explain that if Tesco changed their system so that customers had to open a separate bank a/c they would soon go out of business. I think the individual agreed, she was quiet for a few min, however could provide no alternative. Your thoughts please
  16. After you with the brain bleach please!
  17. Best wished to the gentleman who fell and his family and friends To return to Cake Mountain climbing, has anyone else here read The Ascent of Rum Doodle? I recommend it
  18. Yes, the diecast is a Budgie body into which a (Triang?) motor has been fitted. Can now see the location pin sockets immediately above the 'lumps' pointing down to the rear of the front buffers and the hole for the drive pin in the similar place forward of the rear buffers
  19. What gauge is the diecast Jinty? in my photo are 3 possibilities, from the left: A Morestone example ~15mm gauge, 29mm across the bunker. 'BRITISH RAILWAYS' part of the casting A Budgie (company brand name change from Morestone) ~15mm gauge, 29mm across the bunker. 'BRITISH RAILWAYS' in form of a label. An example from a Glasgow instrument maker, whose name eludes me at moment ~23mm gauge, 34mm across the empty bunker. 'LMS' part of the casting
  20. Another thread mentions early Trix, so I thought that I should dig my examples out and show you. Although packaged/ sold as Minitrix, it is known as Schiebetrix which my translation engine translates to 'Sliding Trix', however given that these models run nicely on flangeless, stainless-steel(?) wheels is incorrect. Compares to Lone Star 000 but much less extensive, far more detail, no Trix made accessories (that I no of), frequently seen in the background of Continental N Gauge layouts.
  21. I wanted to upload this photo of a T-shirt of mine yesterday as part of the WD-40 conversation, however .... For those that are unaware WRG stands for Waterway Recovery Group
  22. I use https://maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=wilts for local old maps. Can you edit address for your location?
  23. I spent a week on Lundy bashing Rhododendrons for the NT, that was nice
  24. Problem is good intention people will insist on feeding pigeons, grey squirrels, seagulls, so become over populated. Clearly you haven't had your ice-cream pinched by a seagull, very happy for you. Only thing they are good for is something for the dog to chase!
  25. Pigeons = flying rats doves = posh pigeons grey squirrels = tree rats
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