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Everything posted by BelsteadLane

  1. that sounds awesome. I’m waiting patiently for Accurascale’s upcoming 37. Thinking of pre ordering 423.
  2. thanks. Hopefully got it sorted! And thanks for your kind words!
  3. Thanks, that’s not a bad idea. How do I go about editing my ‘signature?’ I havn’t explored all the settings or what I can do yet, I did have a quick look in settings but couldn’t find where to add it.
  4. I uploaded a full layout tour on my YouTube channel this morning. Well, it’s an ‘update’ video but I included a full layout tour. I realised I never linked my channel when I first mentioned about having a YouTube channel My Youtube Channel My Layout’s Facebook Page My Layout’s Instagram Theres a few links above taking you to my socials as I do post there more regularly. Like I said before, I’ll be keeping Youtube mentions to a minimum on this unless asked. Thanks. Jack
  5. I promised myself I’d keep Youtube links/mentions to a minimum on RMWeb. But I’m in the process of creating a full layout tour and update video which should be up soon. Once it’s posted I’ll link it in. This will show more of the layout, and you’ll get a much better view of it with plenty of footage of trains running. I’ll be doing a running session video too, probably at some point next week depending on how time allows
  6. Scenes on the layout - Footpath on an old track bed. So far, the layout only has two ‘scenes’ and this is one of them. It’s a public footpath/trial walk that is on top of an old track bed. The idea being an old branch line left the mainline and continued into the (non existent) town to a different location. However, Dr Beeching struck in the 1960s and the track was lifted and nature took its toll. Inspiration for this scene came from the footpath that follows the old railway through my hometown. Me and my uncle like going on walks following the routes of old railways and we’ve covered quite a few! I added figures with some dogs to create a bit of life to the scene and added details like bins, litter (which ironically is around the bins!) and also some items of old railway infrastructure to give that feel or impression that an old railway was once there. See if you can spot them! I briefly talked about the signal box earlier on in the thread. This is at the end of the footpath scene, and sits in a place I thought would be suitable. This gives the impression that there was a junction from the mainline for the branch line - it’s got to come from somewhere right? ’Wratting Road South’ is inspired from the disused box at Bishops Stortford on the WAML. It’s a metcalfe kit I adapted to suit the layout and location and detailed to look somewhat like it but of course, it isn’t a replica of it. Looking back now and comparing to some creations I’ve seen, it’s still rather basic and not that great or impressive but as my modelling skills improve, I’ll probably replace the box with a scratch built replica or save it for when I build my next layout. Here’s the box up close
  7. Hi Jerry. indeed, the short set I’ve always want to model. One of the DRS TSOs will need renumbering but the rest should be good to go. Will have several DRS 37s eventually! That sounds interesting, I’ll certainly take a look. And may approach you when it’s time for an 057 to join WR. cheers, Jack
  8. Cheers Neil! Plenty of 37s I still want to get, especially now the Hornby DRS Mk2s are here...
  9. It won’t be a repaint, as it’s already in DRS Livery although I may do a bit of research and ask my more knowledgeable friends to see if the Lima DRS Blue is the correct shade. If I decide to do a DIT loco, then it’ll just be fully detailed.
  10. Wratting Road Traction - Class 37s! Apologies for the big gap in posts - I keep forgetting I’m on RMWeb now I thought I’d keep the 37s for their own post otherwise the previous one would have been very long! Plus, who doesn’t love a 37? The current number of 37s I have is 5. Bachmann Colas Rail 37421 & 37521 My two Colas Rail 37s that’ll be in charge of Network Rail test trains. I’d like to add a couple more such as 099 ‘Merl Evans’ and 057 while it was still in its original green livery. Bachmann 37424 ‘Avro Vulcan XH558’ Without a doubt, my favourite 37 so far in the collection. This runs with the test train for now, but I have some of the new Hornby DRS Mk2s along the way so it can run with those and I can model the 37 ‘Short Set’ that was used between Norwich to Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. Lima 37611 Usually, I wouldn’t give Lima models the time of day and would rather spend more on better, up to date models. However, this was given to me by a friend for nothing so I want to modernise it and bring it up to standard so it can run alongside my other 37s. This will eventually become 37422 in unbranded DRS livery. A lot of work will go into this model, I need to source a VITrains chassis for it first before anything else commences but so far, I’ve disconnected some gears so it can at least turn its wheels on the layout. I’d like to have it as a runner on DCC but I’m also quite open to the idea of having it as a non runner and fit it with a flashing tail lamp so it can run as a DIT loco at the back of the Short Set or a test train - I just need to make up my mind!! Bachmann 37884 Europhoenix The last 37 is Europhoenix 37884. This model will mainly be used for stock drags, and I’ll be adding the more up to date nameplates and rebranding it as ROG. that’s more or less all my decent stock I own and run. I do have some more, but they’re either not fit for the layout or need more work to the point I can’t show them yet. Next, I’ll show some more layout photos but this time, close ups of some scenes I’ve made.
  11. About time I checked out your workbench James! Love the weathering and certainly something I aspire to achieve as my skills grow.
  12. More stuff on the go Jerry, very nice to see and all looking very good. Looking forward to the progress on your next 90. 048 still going strong and is still as beautiful as the day it came into my hands! Here she is after running it today on a long container train!
  13. Wratting Road Traction - Non FL Stock It won’t just be Freightliner stock on Wratting Road. I’ll be gathering plenty of other TOC traction, both freight and passenger. Here’s some examples of what I already have. Abellio Greater Anglia 156422 First up, AGA Stock - probably the most vital for setting the modern GEML theme. I havn’t got much yet (not really a surprise) but 156422 certainly is a lovely DMU and one of my favourites in my collection. It’s a Realtrack unit which I purchased from Rainbow Railways and it’s legomanbiffo sound fitted in both units. I recently repainted the interiors in the correct AGA refurbed colour scheme and added passengers - it came with a rancid purple Scotrail interior. Certainly makes a vast improvement. The model is currently away being weathered so will be fully fit for the layout upon arrival back! Abellio Greater Anglia DVT 82132 Next up, the AGA DVT. This was repainted by Laura McWilliams (UKD&E on Youtube) to a very high standard. The previous person who repainted it, made a right sh...show of the paint job so I had to get it redone. I can’t have a DVT on it’s own though... so here’s some photos sent to me by Mr TRS Trains... Won’t be long til I have a full mk3 rake... SNCB 90128 ‘Vrachtverbinding’ This is a model that doesn’t really fit in with the layout currently, but a Ltd edition 90 I can’t turn down. This is the Sound Fitted version of the model which is a Bachmann Collector Club exclusive and I bought it last year at Warley when it was unveiled. In fact, I signed up the club just too buy it Its currently away being renumbered to 028 so it can work passenger trains and freight. And detailed into its early 2000s ‘privitisation’ condition when under EWS ownership. I’ll run this with unbranded VT sets when I eventually start making those. It won’t be 100% prototypical as redundant Virgin stock wasn’t transferred to Anglia/One until 2004. And 028 had gained EWS livery the year before. I personally don’t see the point in making another Virgin set just so it can run to be fully prototypical, so a bit of ‘rule 1’ will have to suffice here. It would be pretty cool to see a ‘what if’ where 028 had lasted a little while longer in its Belgian livery while hauling Anglia Mk2s and One Mk3s also. GBRF 66711 ‘Sense’ Another shed but for a change, it’s not Freightliner! Of course, GBRF is another big freight operator on our network so a modern layout certainly wouldn’t be without a few GBRf locos. This is the only one I have so far but will certainly get more and when. At £90 from rails, this was a nice bargain. This model I’ve kept aside to be the first model loco I do everything too in terms of detailing, sound and weathering. So far, it’s been detailed at one end and fitted with a Modelu driver. I’ll be adding Jamie Goodman sound soon and weathering and then it’s fit to run once I get hold of more GBRf stock! I’ll be keeping it intermodal themed but will have ballast wagons and other appropriate wagons to suit the era and time periods. I’ll round up this post now before it gets too long which it’s already pushing on for. I’ve still got a few more to get through but they’re all Class 37s. So I thought I’d make a seperate post for them as they deserve it! Everyone loves a 37
  14. Thanks! Plenty more to see that I’ll post up soon
  15. Wratting Road Traction - Freightliner Stock. The Electrics! You can’t have a layout with ohle and not have electric locomotives! The current number of Freightliner Electric models are only 3 and they’re all Bachmann Class 90s. 90042 - Powerhaul 90047 - Triple Grey. Modelled in 2014/2015 condition. 90048 - Triple Grey. Modelled in 2009/2010 Condition. The next 90 will, without a doubt, be a Racing Green one. Quite fancy 90016! I’m debating backdating my layout back to the mid 2000s rather than the more recent years as 2004-2008 was my favourite era on the GEML. So 90047 may get reworked into a similar condition to 048. I’ll probably end up having FL’s whole 90 fleet eventually! I’m also eagerly awaiting Heljan’s upcoming 86 and you can be sure I’ll be having a few of those too! Thats all my FL stock covered and so far, it isn’t a vast collection! Next, I’ll show the other traction I have from other TOCs - believe it or not, I do have a fair amount!
  16. Wratting Road Traction - Freightliner Stock. The Diesels! As a layout heavily centred around a FL depot and intermodal workings, it’s no surprise that Freightliner is the main TOC seen on Wratting Road. However, plenty of other TOCs will make appearances as time goes on and my collection grows. The diesel collection isn’t the biggest but I’ve still got plenty to have a nice scene and running session for now. The collection consists of a few 66s, a 57 and an 08. Bachmann 66614 ‘Poppy’ - Rails Exclusive. This is fitted with a Loksound V4 with Biffo sound. Bachmann 66418 ‘Patriot’ At some point, I need to have correct up-to-date ‘Freightliner G&W company’ branding added. This is fitted with Digitrains Activdrive on a Zimo decoder. Bachmann 66533 ‘Hanjin/Senator Express’ No sound in this yet, although I am debating it! Hattons 66593 ‘3MG Multimodal Gateway’ This was sound fitted from factory so it has Biffo’s bespoke 66 sound file on a Loksound V5 Bachmann 57008 ‘Freightliner Explorer No sound in this yet, but it’s an idea for the future. I’ll probably get biffo sound and then try and get the Bachmann DCCSound ‘Freightliner Bond’ 57 to go alongside! Bachmann 08691 ‘Terri’ The first Freightliner Loco I ever bought! A very good choice considering the real Terri shifted around locations quite a bit. Most pictures I find are at Southampton but it was stationed at Felixstowe a few years back making it suit my GE layout nicely. plans for this model are to have lights, stay-alive and details fitted and will get done once the depot is at a decent stage. A nice shot of the diesels together. The Hattons 66 is currently away being weathered up suitably so will look great once it’s back home. I will obviously add to the freight liner fleet in the future but I’m trying to avoid freight liner at the moment to try and gather more stock and locos from other TOCs! More to follow on the fleet and next up will be the FL Sparkys!
  17. Thanks Karl! I quite like the weathering on it, I do go by pictures to find an effect I like. The only things I wished I done was use concrete sleepered track and have the sleepers spaced out. Two things that’ll be different on the next layout. When I first started building this one, I didn’t know much about the real railway so to me, track was track. I’ve learned lots along the way so hopefully the track will be even better on the next layout! Jack
  18. what’s that becoming? Or is it a surprise?
  19. Thanks Ian! Very much in agreement. I love knowing I can walk back in the house for the loo or to make a cuppa and leave the trains running. Nice to sit back and watch them too every now and again! jack
  20. Thanks Niel! Thought I’d see what all the fuss is about
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