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Everything posted by Xlxmarkyboyxlx

  1. Hi all I was born & raised in Aragon road & I have to disagree with some of what has been said here. The Upton Park sidings were at the corner of Aragon road & Grangewood Street. there was a goods yard which stored coal & next door was a college - which was in Arragon Road & overlooked the yard at one end! the entrance to this yard was in fact through white wooden gates in Grangewood Street & not located in the various places that have been previously suggested. this yard was closed by the late 70s ~ we used to play over there as kids & I remember by my teens it was long gone ~ I was born in 1969! The college became a row of houses & the goods yard actually became Cleves primary school & part of Priory Park! NOT part of the William Morley Way housing development as previously claimed. the development doesn’t stretch that far! hope this helps mark
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