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Posts posted by LNERGE

  1. A BPRS signal motor.. Watch out this  is a big one, ex Cambridge 110v DC and capable of dynamic indication. The 10v DC version is not as long. Each one comes with it's own hernia.




    This signal had one 10v BPRS motor and one Westinghouse motor.




    My Westinghouse motor in action along with a MET V GRS solenoid disc...



    I have a BPRS solenoid lower quadrant shunt and a Westinghouse Solenoid disc i can upload short movies of if there is interest.

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  2. They operate on a polarised circuit and have normal and reverse detection contacts. That's close enough for me to simulate the real thing. I use them to simulate real point motors. Hence my comment about the contacts being a little underrated. They are operating 50 volt BR930 series relays. I've not had any problems though.




    and a rather superb bit on the current arrangements at LLS..



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  3. I have around 40 Fulgurex point motors in use. I have not had any problems at all with them despite their use in a rather harsh environment. The contacts are a little underrated for what i do with them but again no problems encountered. I can't comment on their ability to drive anything mechaincally though as none of mine are attached to anything.

  4. It was from the 'new' box. I don't have it now unfortunately. I can remember you could see the ghost of the turntable where it had been scraped off the diagram. I will ask the chap i sold it to if he still has it.

  5. A dyed in the wool LNER (GE) enthusiast is impressed too! I look forward to seeing the changes at Watford


    Me too. I think the standard of modelling is incredible. Although of patch for me i do have considerable interest in the location. As a teenager i bought the box diagram via Collectors Corner. It had been rather brutally cut in half and me and a school friend carried the two pieces from Euston to King's Cross. It just fitted in the brakevan of a 312.

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  6. Hello


    I'm sure that there will not be too much rivalry on this layout. Our layout is set in 1977/78 so falls firmly into the 'what if' category of layout. We will be modelling the signal box but the signalling will be very much rationalized due to the closure of two of the tracks which led into and out of the station. like the track plan will be simplified as so much was in the 70s in an effort to keep the costs down. I'm sorry Chris but i have no idea what the layout of the box was in the earlier,( and real), era so we shall just have to mjake ours up though I suspect there will be a fair few white levers. We could have got rid of the box as well I suppose but it looks to good and unusual in design not to feature it. I think the plan is that I build the box and John will do the station building which will be in low relief to save space. Another new development is that the layout will be DCC which will be a first for us both and the signals will probably be from the nice Mr Dapol having seen them on a friends layout recently at Alsager and being impressed by them. Something less to build as well. No problem with your hijack, this is what modelling is all about, just sorry I couldn't be of more help. Best of luck to your father in law's layout. Just one more thing to add is that we have nearly finished the baseboards and hope to start track-laying over festive holiday period. Also thanks to the folks who sent us the photos; much appreciated.




    George . .


    Somewhere lurking in the depths of my collection is one of the last train registers from Towcester box. I've been looking for it half-heartedly for awhile. When it surfaces i'll post a few pages on here.

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  7. can just see the mystery "signal" or whatever it actually is, it isnt lit or showing any display it seems.


    I've just remembered that a few nights back I was dozing and suddenly the thought came into my head that the 'mystery lights/signal' may have been a warning that a barrow crossing was in use? I have no idea from what dark and gloomy place that little gem was retrieved. Sad isn't it.

    P @ 36E


    Maybe nothing is showing in the stencil indicators because the signal at the end of the platform is on?

  8. The overlays depict the new turnouts laid in for the resignalling works and the extended passing loop. The track circuits should have been cut through the point detection though i'm not sure if the east one was. This means if the not yet commissioned point blades do open up for any (and most unlikely) reason it doesn't go unnoticed..

    • Like 4
  9. They are in use in my signalling simulation of Ely. We get to signal some of the same trains today on the instruments that would have passed Derby Road. 4S80 is a regular, Felixstowe - Coatbridge..


    I have most of Trimley box tucked away to do something with one day.


    I had four keys with the instruments. I don't know what happened to the rest..

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