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Posts posted by SteveCornford

  1. Sorry, i got my A2 and K2 bogies transposed.

    A2 was the 7' 10" motor bogie, drawing page 215 April 2010 Underground News (L.U.R.S).

    K2 was the 7' 3" trailer bogie, drawing page 216 April 2010 Underground News (L.U.R.S).

    Both used on the G stock motor cars ordered from Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. in february 1924, which later became Q23 stock


    7' 10" in 4mm scale is 31.33mm, which rounded to nearest 0.25mm would be 31.25mm.


    So my question to Stephen is:- WHat size Black Beetle bogie do we need?


    30.25mm or 31.25mm?





  2. Surely the 6-CIT/PAN/PUL sets used SR electric Express gangways rather than "british", also Spencer-Moulton buffers throughout.

    In the past Silver Fox produced some overlays for these unit but I am not sure if they are still available or available just for the trailers.

    Worsley works also supply etches for these units.  It all depends on how accurate you want to make them.

    Drawings are available from Mike King.


  3. Hi Timber, might I suggest

    A)  you remove the protective brown paper label from the wash n cure turntable so that more UV gets reflected up under your print when curing.

    B) sit your print on an upturned glass tumbler on the turntable to make best use of the UV


    C) resin print a section of s scale timber base from templot, cure, then measure the sleeper length,  and the length of the base over the two outermost timbers & compare with the templot designed template in order to measure resin shrinkage accurately


    Cheers Steve

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  4. Also suggest you think of joining "London Underground Railway Society" LURS for short.


    Here is a lin to their website https://www.lurs.org.uk/index.htm


    If you then click on the [Underground News] button you will get a page containing buttons for extractcs of differernt past years of their monthly magazine.  You have to scroll down a bit to see the buttons.


    Choose [2010], then scroll down til you see April, then select "District Electric Trains Part 14"


    This will open a PDF copy of part 14 of the article by Piers Connor


    Scroll down to page 5 0f 9 (actually page 211 of the printed magazine) to see a drawing of the A2 type of bogie.


    Page 6 of 9 has a K2 bogie drawing.


    I predict you will then spend some time perusuing the other parts of the magazine article.


    Hope this helps, Steve


    ps Is the 4-COR somewhere on your schedule?




  5. The problem is as stated in my original post. That is the instructions included with the etch are for your 4/6 wheel underframes with fold-up W-irons, and as you are well aware this etch does not have fold-up W-irons!

    Therefore I was asking if anyone had the correct instructions or could help me.

    I am making the assumption that the solebar overlays fold onto the combined solebar/W-iron piece, but then how does that locate onto the baseplate.  Apart from the buffer beams which fold down from the baseplate, is there any other part of the baseplate that folds in order to locate the solebars the correct distance apart, or do the solebars just butt up to the baseplate?

    Just wondered is anyone has constructed one of these underframes and could make some helpful suggestions.


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  6. This post gives an example (albeit of a 2mm scale version) of fixing a wire to the cast crossing:-

    example assembly


    On mine I soldered the wire underneath at the wide end of the cast crossing having first lightly abraded it.


    Then perform a trial fit of the crossing and the rails that meet it to ensure that it is not standing proud.  If it is you will probably have to file the bottom of your soldered joint so that it fits down onto the track base ok.


    Then temporarily tape the wire to the timbers to keep it pout of the way. Once assembled you can bend the wire down at right angles if you wish to feed it down through the base board.


    I think you will struggle to solder a wire to the cast crossing once it has been fixed in place, unless you cut away the tags/sprues on the track base.


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