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Posts posted by SamThomas

  1. 2 hours ago, kevinlms said:

    Come on, you don't expect news reporters to know the workings of railways do you? Even though The Age, is one of the best newspapers in Australia, railway operations, will never be something reported properly, unless the reporter has an existing personal interest in rail.


    It's Good Friday, so the better reporters will be on leave and the juniors will be on standby.

    One often sees examples of the media "not quite getting it right" as in this case.


    We can discuss the subject until Hornby "get it right for everyone", but lets not dismiss the actions of the well meaning people who attempted to warn the train driver - they would have been critisised if they had recorded the incident to put it on social media.

    • Agree 6
  2. Another vote for the Roco Maultimaus - couple of options ;


    10833 - comes with z21 Start & a wired Multimaus - RRP £235, should get for sub £200.


    51330 - comes with z21 Start & a wired Multimaus - RRP £275, should get for around £275 - should be able to sell the locomotive & wagons for around £100 making it quite cost effective & you can  keep the track for testing.


    Both sets able to be upgraded to wi-fi so you can use the wi-fi Multimaus or tablet***/phone ( the tablet could be useful for keeping all you stock details on).


    The Powerscab is popular but very dated now & no ability to name your locomotives.personally, I would avoid anything from Hornby or (with the exception of Roco) anything that is from a trainset manufacturer.


    *** When you use a tablet with the z/Z21 range you can load images of your locomotives to make them eaier to find.

    I know of a few people (including myself) who swore they would never use any form of computer to control their model railway who have backpeddled.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, Legend said:


    You mean someone didnt quite think that one through .   From the company that brought you "Titgate" and now at short notice is sporadically removing Humbrol enamels from sale (not everyone knows why apparently) . Who could  believe that !


    The reason is well documented in another thread, but basically it appears that there is a tiny, tiny additive in it that is now banned because it's carciogenic.


    (my advance apologies to anyone who finds an issue with my speeling).

  4. 8 hours ago, Vistisen said:

    I was more interested in how a car pulling out of a side road could have a heads on collision. Unless of course the RR was in the middle of doing a 90 degree drifting demonstration at the time of impact

    You assume that - all RR drivers are homicidal maniacs that truely believe they do actually own the road. Some people actually need a vehicle that can combine seating 4 people in comfort, be nice to driver, able to fold the seats down & get a fair load in the back & be able to tow a 3ton box trailer - not many vehicles can do that....................


    The car turned right & onto the wrong side iof the road.

  5. 6 hours ago, Robin Brasher said:

    My best value locomotive is the Hornby Dublo R1 0-6-0t which cost 36 shillings in July 1959 and was made in Liverpool.  According to Measuring Worth this is the equivalent of £42.81 in 2020 and would be an excellent starter locomotive. I expect most of these locomotives are still running today.


    This topic is about the Hornby tier system. When the Hornby R1 was introduced in 1959 it was available in every toy shop or model shop in the Country. Now when a new locomotive becomes available you can only get it from Hornby's website or from a tier 1 dealer.  If your shop is in tier 2 you might be able to get it straight away as I did with the Hornby Rocket set or you may get it six months later. If your shop is in tier 3 you may get it a year later if Hornby has not sold out of them.


    Generally speaking I think that we have reached the stage where it is a buyer's market. The number of people who are interested in model railways and are still alive is diminishing as is the number of people who can afford them. There is also less demand for models of prototypes that have not yet been produced but the minimum production run is still around 2,000. Good things come to those that wait and I think that you are unlikely to be disappointed if you order from a tier 2 dealer

    We are in very differnt times now.


    I can remember when you had two brands - Hornby (as in real Hornby from Liverpool) & Triang. A great many model shops were part of toy and pram shops and IIRC could sell one or the other, not both. However, they did, as past of the franchise have to service the products they sold, No discounting either (at least officially).

    If your usual shop did not have what you wanted then you could order it & in a week or two it would be delivered from Triangs wharehouse (to clarify, a building where stock was kept untill ordered/sold - when the stocks ran out*** another run was produced until sales of a particular item dwindled). Having said that I don't know about real Hornby's logistics.

    Far distant days when life was a lot slower & we were prepared to wait for stuff, thesedays of course we are far too impatient. Manufactures canniot afford to have money tied up in wharehouse stock - they have enough money tied up in deposits(?) & of course as soon as the factory has produced the goods then it has to be paid for & cannot sell whilst it's in transit, then of course they may have to give the retailers credit terms & time to pay, I expect a number of the larger stores will dictate their own settlement terms too.


    *** An advantage of having ones factory through a doorway to your office & having complete control maybe ?

    • Agree 1
  6. PDU inspections ?

    Just who will pay for the time the final seller takes to carry out the PDI ?

    Just say the manuafcture pays - that will leave it open to some final sellers to trouser the money & do nothing.

    The final seller - not going to happen with the buyers reluctance to pay RRP.


    As for the hardened collectors - I've seen them using an eyeglass on the ears of a box to see if its even been opened...............

  7. 2 hours ago, AY Mod said:

    I daresay you won't comprehend the arrogance of your testiculations but, for a moment, put yourself in the position of a motorcycle rider on a dark, wet night whose range of sight could be limited by an approaching Xenon- beamed vehicle. Your ridiculous stance will be of no comfort to that unseated rider.

    I think you will find that LED headlights are worse in that respect & AFAIK LED headlamps do not have to be self-levelling wheras Xenon (used as a generic term for discharge lamps) have to be self levelling.

  8. 2 hours ago, ejstubbs said:


    Strictly speaking you can't renew your Road Fund Licence at all, and haven't been able to since 1937 when the hypothecation of the revenue from vehicle excise duty was abolished (although the Road Fund itself survived - more as a Treasury accounting mechanism than anything else AFAICS - until 1955).

    Even stricter speaking according to the DVLA website it's tax anyway, unless of course you can elaborate on that.

  9. 4 hours ago, Mark Saunders said:

    I would expect that most of us will keep it till used up!

    Sorry, I was referring to retailers who have stock that they cannot send back to Hornby for credit or cannot be bothered if they cannot get credit & don't want to sell it.


    It would appear that the issue also effects some Revell paints.

  10. 30 minutes ago, idd15 said:

    But perhaps we are all suffering from BIG car obsession?


    The following video is not recommended viewing for Quashqi Owners!


    Big Cars


    From RRR’s post above Smart look to have it for sure! 😀




    Being in a RR during a head on collision with a small car that pulled out of a side street & surveying the damage - RR, cracked front number plate & scuffed bumper, small car, every single panel in front of the A pillars trashed & the doors diffecult to open I'll stick with my "BIG obsession" thanks.

    Fortunatly, no injuries suffered.

  11. 2 hours ago, Michael Hodgson said:

    It seems a particularly pointless piece of bureaucracy as the tax on my diesel car with stop-start technology is nil.

    Not really, you cannot renew your Road Fund Licence if you have not MOT (if required) or insurance & this is flagged up to the guys who driver the DVLA vans with the four camera's on the roof.


    It will only be a matter of time before the RFL concessions are removed one by one by whoever resides at 11 Downing Stree at the time.

    • Like 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, alastairq said:

    Worth noting that, if one's licence takes an age to be returned, one can still carry on driving...

    Providing that you can prove that DVLA have your application in hand you may indeed continue to drive*** "under section 88" if you & your doctor are of the opinion that you are fit to do so.


    *** until your new licence is issued or revoked.

  13. Whilst appeciating the well meaning behind banning certain substances I question the need to round up the existing stocks & dispose of it with respect to the environment & the carbon footprint possibly created.


    IMHO, Hornby should take the lot back & credit all the retailers that they have supplied with it.


    There will be the temptation for some people to simply dispose of the paints in domestic rubbish so it ends up as landfill.


    There will be quite a large (relativly speaking) amount of the "dodgy" stuff available for some time on various stands at shows/exhibitions for some time anyway.

    • Like 1
    • Agree 2
  14. 14 hours ago, Andy Hayter said:

      Anyone remember Beatties from the 80s?  Market leaders.  They could not possibly fail - but did. 

    Not surprising really - big stores in prime locations with a product with realativly low margins***(even factoring in the fact that they were part of an importer).


    *** compared to the fashion industry as one example.

    • Agree 1
  15. On 08/04/2022 at 14:11, BroadLeaves said:

     I don't think ao.com put a couple of slices of bread in a toaster or plumb in a washing machine and run a test cycle before they ship them to you.

    Revently bought two Curry's own brand washing machines & they ;


    1) Actually test their machines with water or

    2) Employ someone to chuck a cupful of water into them to give the impression that they do.

    • Like 3
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