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Status Updates posted by ETB

  1. ETB

    Hello Kevin,

    I hope this message finds you well


    I have just been having a look through your page and  gorgeous models, as I am currently working for a TV production company on an upcoming Amazon TV series.


    We are currently looking at hiring a countryside road scene for a day or two and I was wondering if you were interested in renting out some of your work? It would have to be portable, as we would need to film with it in our studios in West London, but happy to arrange a courier and insurance for one of your models on top of a rental fee, if you were interested.


    Let me know if this is something that interests you

    Best wishes,


    1. woodenhead


      Hi Emma @ETB


      Pleased you like Kevin's modelling, but just to let you know, you haven't privately messaged him, you've publicly broadcast it to the whole site as a Status Update - rather like a public Facebook post.

    2. ETB


      Oh shoot, I'll direct message him now.



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