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Everything posted by Canberratt18

  1. Hi, Does anyone have, please, a paper copy of British Railway Modelling August 2022, if you do please advise price and postage. Many thanks Mark
  2. Hi A long shot, does anyone know please, who is the custodian of the Bill Reed photographic collection. Many thanks Mark
  3. Hi I am trying to track down an article on the Carron Road layout, apparently it appeared in a December issue of Model Rail magazine, does anyone know please, which year? It also appeared in MRJ no. 76. Many thanks Mark
  4. Hi I am trying to track down an article on the Carron Road layout, apparently it appeared in a December issue of Model Rail magazine, does anyone know please, which year? It also appeared in MRJ no. 76. Many thanks Mark
  5. Hi, I am just starting to lay some Peco O gauge bullhead track, but I can only find reference to Peco O gauge rail joiners for flat bottom track, can anyone advise the correct ones for bullhead rail. Many thanks Mark
  6. Hi Rodney That's great! Many thanks for your rapid reply. A copy purchased from Ebay Once again thank you Best regards Mark
  7. Hi, A long short, hopefully this is posted in the right section. I am trying to locate an article by the late Roy C. Link, from the Railway Modeller, it showed how to construct a small narrow gauge layout in a display cabinet, complete with internal lighting. i think it was based on the Talyllyn Railway, and showed in layout in one of Roy’s lovely illustrations. Could anyone please advise which issue in appeared in? Many thanks Mark
  8. Hi Jason Many thanks for your guidance, I think there are four possibilities. I too was only an occasional buyer, all since long disappeared! Best regards Mark
  9. Hi, A very long shot, I am trying to locate a full page colour picture of a Stainer 8F published many years ago in Backtrack magazine. It was taken at ground level, on a cinder path, with a prominent wrought iron fence on the left hand side of the picture, the loco running right to left, on I think, a mineral train, a dramatic picture, which I hope has stuck on someone else's memory! If anybody knows the month and year of the Backtrack magazine, that would be great, I'm thinking 1980's or 90's. Many thanks for your help. Mark
  10. Hi Just a long shot, I am trying to locate a copy of a picture that appeared in "Model Rail" magazine a while ago. The picture showed a BMC FG lorry in carmine and cream livery, the front part of the van type bodywork was metal, but the rear half was a canvas tilt. In the bodywork above the cab was a slot, I guess for long narrow loads such as a ladder. The lorry was pictured next to a goods shed. Something similar to Fairford, maybe. Does any one know which issue of the magazine contained a picture like this? Many thanks for your help Mark
  11. Hi I wonder, can any one advise, please, the nearest rattle can match for BR Rail Freight grey? Many thanks Mark
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