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Everything posted by ShadowinLinby

  1. Hi Ian - I'd stick with 10ba and open the holes out in the etch - I personally think 12ba is a bit small for a bogie mount but I'm sure others will have a different view
  2. It went WSL a while ago and as It no longer listed, it suggest all the stock has gone.
  3. To save me looking through all my MRJ pile, what edition was the stay-live article in Nick
  4. Gary – it’s fairly simple – a dissatisfaction with what commercial N gauge offers and a desire for something better. You’ll need to learn some new skills and accept that you learn by getting it wrong. The only difference between you and what you see on here an Youtube is time. Fundamentally though the only way to know if it’s for you, is to join the association and give it a go.
  5. Guilty as charged Kevin ChrisB
  6. I use the std cost of a packet of fags to get over the value - at around £12 a packet in the UK £25 is about two packets which some people will go through in a two days. Triangular gauges will last you a life time. £25 for a lifetimes use look better value. ChrisB
  7. Hi Nick - I see two options 1 Keep stripping and repainting until you can produce paint work as good as the best at the sacrifice of everything else. 2 Accept your limitations at the moment knowing you will get better as you do more. They are a good first attempt. It is commonly accepted that mastery takes around 10000 hours of practice. Time is our most limited resource so I would say accept what you have and move on knowing next time you will be slightly better. ChrisB
  8. Lever frames are available from the Scalefour public store as below. If you want more of a challenge you can get the Mark two version which can be interlocked but you'll need to find a Scalefour member to buy them for you as they are only available to S4 members
  9. Your trackwork looks fine to me Bruce – funnily enough, the more you make. the better you get. Practice make progress. Interesting use of vocabulary Bruce. Using words like attempt and try preprogrammes us for failure. (Translated they mean ‘I’ll have a go but I don’t think I can’). For years I told myself I’d never be able to make a single or double slip. I recently discovered I’d been lying to myself for 30 odd years. The first one I made had a few issues, so I threw it away and made a second, which was much better and usable. By the time I’ve made the other 10 or so I need I’ll be much better at them. By the way, nothing wrong with your spelling, you spelt the wrong word correctly!🤣 ChrisB
  10. Somehow the Bournemouth Belle got diverted via Yeovil - - it was caught leaning into the curve exiting the station
  11. Alan - if if would help to get more engagement with the 2mm world you're more than welcome to join our bimonthly North Mercia Area Group Zoom that currently attracts members from far and wide. The next one will be on 30th March 7pm GMT (30th is after that daft thing we do with the clocks so you would have to work that one out for US timings) Watch out for the details that will be posted on RMWeb nearer the date. Chris B
  12. I got a larger one from somewhere at augment my set but that's as much as I can help you with. The extra one goes upto 4.2mm but you only need the fist 10mm of it to open up the frames to take the bushes. ChrisB
  13. Hi Martin - if you haven’t got any, get yourself a set of broaches. You will find opening holes out using them , whilst a little tedious, much less likely to distort the etches. The bogie is a Worsley Works Battle of Britain etch ChrisB
  14. There is only one answer to that conundrum Bob - practice makes progress. ChrisB
  15. I was referring to how he gets his tracks to line up and whether that solution would work for your turn table ChrisB
  16. Jerry - it might be worth having a chat with Laurie as he's sorted the same problem on his train table ChrisB
  17. Eastitrac glue is water soluble - Laurie Adams in a reply somewher else in RMWeb advocates a syringe full of water applied to the area needing adjustment. ChrisB
  18. The Mark 1 lever frame kit is the one available to non-members of the Scalefour Society which is currently out of stock. There is a Mark 2 version, unfortunately only available to members, which is a much better design particularly because the micro switches can be removed individually and there is an interlocking kit which can be attached to the levers.
  19. Well spotted Don - set in correct position on this one, conveniently marked this time.
  20. Here's how I do the tiebar end of my points - the 4 pairs of etched chairs (1-145) help both to secure the stock rails and clear the inside to help the switch blades sit correctly. The set just after the last plastic sleeper helps with seating the straight stock rail and gives correct gauging at the tip of the switch blades.
  21. Wotan - having looked at the photo of your class 37 it looks as though the PB contact on the front right wheel is bent out of position on is bearing on the wheel tread rather than on the back of the wheel. Don't know if that is causing your problems. ChrisB
  22. Vince Lombardi, the famous coach of the Green Bay Packers American football team, regardless of the previous year’s results, started each new season training with the same five words: ‘Gentlemen, this is a football’, in other words start with the basics. You state, that apart from some plain Easitrak, you haven’t made any other 2mm FS track. So, which of the four available point construction systems are you going to learn, Finetrax, pegged Easitrac, Easitrac or PCB? However, you’ve already ruled out the first two options, as you’ve included a diamond in your plan, which will have to made using one of the latter two. Once you’ve made that decision, buy the appropriate bits from shop 1 and make your first 2mm FS point. Don’t even think about using this point but put it to one side and make another. Get and make up two wagon chassis for shop 2. When you can push one wagon chassis with the other through your points without derailing or jumping you can consider yourself adequate at making point for your planed layout. The more you make the better the results. Chris Bentley
  23. Hi Nick - madman here - 42.5m of track on the viewing side of phase one (without the actual station area) only needs 2850 insulator chairs! Still at planning stage yet, as of today I don't actually own the double garage, with house attached, in which this mad project will evolve, but if you're desperate not to waste your resin I won't say no. Chris
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