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Posts posted by toolongtoremember

  1. 8 hours ago, adb968008 said:

    And to think on that day, that was the first and last train of the day!


    A few years back I arrived at Warley fresh from a US trip, jet lagged, disturbed by the little one… then meandered to the door circa 6am !


    my little folk will miss this too…



    I will miss meeting many from here at Warley.

    We need an RMWeb social !



    Hours of planning (well actually hours of drinking and a few mins with a marker)..  planning my attack strategies..



    gosh… I will miss that.


    and the queues to get in…




    I can see the back of my head in this photo! 

    • Funny 3
  2. 15 minutes ago, Dunsignalling said:

    I was involved with the exhibition debut of Taunton MRG's Bath Green Park at the Warley NEC show around twenty years ago. There were six of us in the set-up crew including the van driver. It takes four to wrangle the boards, which are quite big to minimise the number of joints. We had everything on the floor in about ten minutes and the van on its way to the parking area. If that's possible for a sixty-foot layout it should be for nearly anything!


    By the time the driver got back (it was Norman Solomon on that occasion) the baseboards were up, and we were about to begin the much lengthier process of attaching all the inter-board jumper cables and adding the considerable amount of stock. 


    As I presume to be the case with all big layouts, fitting BGP in the van is a 3D jigsaw puzzle and it doesn't go together in the order it comes out. Assembling it as it is unloaded just isn't an option, which appears also to be true of some layouts where it is attempted! 


    Design is everything. That year, we were en route to our hotel while people assembling much smaller exhibits who had arrived before us were still hard at work.





    I didn't exhibit, but for my layout, I travel with a car instead of a van (save on the hire costs for the exhibition), but the downside to this is it is a game of tetris to fit everything in. I can unload my layout from a van in under ten minutes, from my car it's almost an hour (have to get everything out rather than just the layout to get the layout... out). 

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Phil Himsworth said:

    I was particularly interested in seeing "Crewlisle", as it was a major inspiration for my own layout, but there was a conspicuous space where it should have been... I hope it was for benign reasons and that everything is okay with its owner / operator(s).

    I also went to see Crewlisle and was sad to see it not there, I too hope the same. 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Liam said:

    Did any of you hop on a 350 at BHI at 17:50? Loads of people got on, and it can’t be beyond impossibility that among the crowds were some Warley setter-uppers.


    I’m attending as an exhibitor for the first time with my mates at Redditch MRC and our layout Smallwood. I’ll also be hitching a ride with @Phil Bullock and @Downendian - many thanks to both of you once again! 

    No, but I got off of that 350 at Stechford before it reached BHI for my bnb lol. 

  5. On 21/10/2022 at 08:56, spenc said:

    Thank you for your comments,if my health ever improves at a later date I wouldn't mind taking it to a local Exhibition near to me, the down side is if I could survive a full day operating it and getting it there and back.

     If you need any help, if I'm available in the UK I'll come by if you aren't too far from London? BTW it's Nick here from Rule 1 Model Railways :) 

    • Thanks 1
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