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ghisere andy

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Everything posted by ghisere andy

  1. I have come to this very late and I presume it is best to contact Danny direct for an up-to-date list of available kits? GN and GE stock for post-war M&GN - any thoughts what might be suitable? Perhaps there are the odd Fish Van or three to come?!
  2. At last! I can plan to use the correct semaphore signals for my about (permanantly about!) to happen LNER/M&GN layout. Trying to justify colour lights on the Loop line in 1948/9 was becoming tiresome. Now to recruit my son-in-law to utilise his aeromodelling skills....!
  3. Years of unfulfilled ambition to have a completed, operational LNER model appeared to be coming to an end when the property manager granted approval for my using the other end of the guests' swimming pool changing room. Joy of joys 28ft of space in which to create High Fulney (Spalding in a parallel universe). Room for the complex interface of the M&GN, GN Loop line (inc the East Lincs) and the GE&GN Joint and even the chance to model Yormer an almalgam of features from Cromer and Yarmouth Beaches and Norwich City. Doors were renovated, traces of the years of sheep shelter were removed and a false floor fitted. Electrics followed and light and socket fittings functioned - phew! Then it was time to insulate the roof: 40C in summer and down to -12C and up to a metre of snow in winter ( the latter tends to restrict movement - the penalty for living at 750m up a small mountain!). Planning and more planning plus getting to grips with DCC wiring filled what little spare time running our holiday business left. Summer 2009 saw the first girders for the open frame system put in place and the 2 levels for the M&GN and the LNER staging yards were started. The M&GN (Saxby yard) was laid and the point motors and DCC feeds were wired (the worked!). Then I had a stroke ....B****R ! (hope Andy doesn't mind the odd naval term!). Normality returned and by spring I was ready for the off - needless to say in the interim more locos miraculously appeared in the post! Just as I was succeeding in expelling the dormice from their nests above the insulation (neat hemispheres excavated in the foam board with neat little drainage holes all positioned strategically for maximum effect!) The demolition notice for both the sheep shed and the little garden shed (now an ideal model workshop) arrived... cue even more naval terms ! What next? Something even more depressing than the pictures of Longbridge in the Gallery !
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