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Everything posted by jonny777

  1. From brief chats to them, I get the impression that they are just waiting to see what happens (if anything) to the majority being vaccinated. They have not been clear on how long they are prepared to wait, but I sense a modicum of irrationality (despite what I said about their decision) in that they seem to expect something dreadful is going to happen to vaccinated people in the future, due to the rush to get the vaccine accepted for the public. There may be other factors, but I am trying not to get involved in any arguments as I have had the first dose anyway.
  2. But the problem I have is not with the detail of what those who are against the vaccine are saying. You are bound to get extremes with all debates. It is the labelling of these folk and corralling them into one group - this time it is 'anti-vaxxers', who can be dismissed as nut jobs at a stroke by the mention of that name and its association with mind control or whatever. I know a number of people who are reluctant to have the jab because they are worried that the usual lengthy development/double blind trial period for vaccines has not been adhered to with these doses now being given out in their millions. I think that is a very rational view to take; but because they have refused the jab they can be dismissed instantly as anti-vaxxers and, by implication, conspiracy theorists. Even when they are nothing of the sort.
  3. Politics is all about winning votes, but only at election time; and as another GE is likely to be three years away, there is plenty of time to make sure that the taxation to pay for Covid will not be coming from those in marginal constituencies. I see Matt Hancock has decided on yet another NHS reorganisation. The opposition have called it a 'power grab'. What is the average person to think regarding the government increasing their control, with comments such as that? I think it is a rather dangerous tactic to dismiss everyone who questions government policy as conspiracy theorists.
  4. Sorry if this is beyond the bounds of this thread, but I came across this article recently and wondered if it was a spoof? Not being well versed in aviation, I have no idea what to think. There is an article to go with the photo, but it appears to have been scanned and auto-converted into text, hence the unreadable sections every now and then. http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/HAUNEBU.htm
  5. Just wait until they switch on the 5G phone mast near you......
  6. A cloudy and damp morning in North Somerset, with 15mm of rain having fallen since midnight. I'm not sure if this is covid vaccine related but my skin has suddenly become ultra sensitive over the last few days. I only have to endure the slightest scratch on something and the area affected swells up as if I have burned it on something very hot. The swelling goes down after about 30 minutes, but is rather frightening to look at. I have tried (at various times - not all at once) antihistamine cream, steroid cream, and Savlon in increasing amounts, but to little effect. Rummaging around in cupboards I found tub of Sudocrem which seems to have a more rapid effect, so I must remember to get some more; because at this rate I will run out by tomorrow. It does seem a strange coincidence that all this starts just a few days after a vaccine.
  7. Which is not surprising, as Melbourne is on a similar latitude to Lisbon. No part of Australia, or indeed New Zealand, is as close to the pole as the southernmost point in England. Any direct comparisons are therefore nonsensical.
  8. The USA is indeed a country of weather madness. Currently it is 3C in New Orleans, but 31C in Miami.
  9. It is quite easy to transform a Pages file to a Word file (although you may have discovered this already by now). All you need to do is export the pages file, and you will get a choice of several different formats. I think the problems can arise with getting Word to recognise the products of other OS machines.
  10. In my opinion, and hopefully not too political, the hospitality/catering/holiday sectors form a large section of the UK economy, ever since our industrial base was dismantled and we chose to rely on cheap (but increasingly unreliable) imports from areas of the world where wages and working conditions were very poor. Therefore, I presume, unless we are going to encourage the use of British made products across the board, we are going to have to suffer the continued downturn of an economy based mainly on pubs, restaurants and fast food joints.
  11. A cloudy and damp morning in North Somerset, but much milder. Temperature now 7C. This seems to have had an immediate effect on nature. A small spider is now dangling outside our kitchen window, two wood pigeons are cavorting on the front garden fence, and when I open the back door I can hear frogs croaking to each other. Roll on Summer - but not too warm too quickly. A warm and sunny March tends to result in a terrible April to July, for here anyway.
  12. Yes, but probably didn't get the covid vaccine - another bottle was quickly brought out of the fridge.
  13. I didn't understand any of that. Is it code for saying you had pie & chips, and a pint of mild?
  14. Another cloudy, cold and windy day in North Somerset, but temperatures are not quite as low this morning and seems to have reached 0C outside. Yesterday, I had increasing areas of itchy skin on my legs and back. They have subsided this morning and I wonder if that was another vaccine related reaction? Ah yes, Valentine's Day; the day for which supermarkets are eternally grateful, as it allows them to sell off gift stock they have left over from Christmas - and if that doesn't work, there is always Mother's Day.
  15. No one made comments about my size while I was having my jab. Mind you, I have not heard of the government mandated medical check either. Is it a recent thing?
  16. The snow has duly arrived here. I know it is not anything special for those living in snowy areas; but in the West Country at sea level and only a few miles from the Bristol Channel snow is not a regular occurrence. We sent a parcel to Lancashire earlier in the week. Unfortunately, the nearest parcel drop off shop is Yodel (yes I know). The sending went ok. The receiver had a text to say the parcel had arrived in his local shop, so went to collect it. He had ID and the parcel number/tracking number I emailed him. However, he had no barcode so even though he was standing next to the box with his name on it, and identification of his name & address, he couldn't take it away without a barcode. He texted me to ask if I had a barcode, and I said yes - and sent him a copy of it from my phone. Would that work? No, it has to be a collection barcode, and mine was a sending barcode. No collection barcode, no parcel. He tried the website help box on his phone, but the chap in Pakistan seemed unable to do anything, except tell him 'no barcode, no parcel'. Very helpful - not. Finally after turning rather stroppy, he was given a phone number which he had to ring, confirm his details, confirm my details, confirm both shop details, hand the call over to the shop assistant to confirm their details - and finally the parcel was free to go. Jeez, half the morning gone just on that. Progress, they call it.
  17. Its a cold and cloudy start in North Somerset. 8.7C on the bedroom thermometer when I got up. Brrrr.... The effects of the covid jab finished me off yesterday evening, and I was in bed and asleep by 9pm. I thought I would subsequently spend half the night awake, but I didn't. 11 hours sleep is very unusual for me but very welcome. Expecting some snow here soon. The forecast says rain but with an outside temperature of minus 3C I think that is somewhat unlikely; unless it is freezing rain which would coat all surfaces with ice and be more of a nightmare than a few inches of snow.
  18. Really? I just read the NHS guidance..... "What happens at the appointment Your appointment should last for around 30 to 45 minutes. You'll be asked some questions about your medical history. It's important to tell the staff giving you the vaccination if you have ever had a severe allergic reaction or you are pregnant. If your appointment is at a vaccination centre, you'll be asked for your booking reference numbers. You will then be given an injection of the vaccine into your upper arm. All places that offer COVID-19 vaccinations will help keep you safe from COVID-19. There will be regular cleaning and social distancing in waiting areas." https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/what-happens-at-your-appointment/
  19. It will be top of the arm, by the shoulder. My advice is for people to go prepared (as most sensible folk will) and wear a t-shirt or something similar underneath an outer garment that can be removed. It's not rocket science.
  20. The idea that the temperature will be up to 11C on Monday is somewhat over optimistic, especially where there is snow on the ground. Any milder air crossing sub-zero ground will result in thick fog which is likely to halt any over-rapid temperature rise. If the warm front comes to a grinding halt against the cold air (I'm not saying it will, but there is a definite chance), there will be copious snowfall to the north and east of that line, but computers seem unable to grasp this. In January 1982, the temperature at RAF Chivenor (North Devon) reached 7C with a light SW wind, while the airport at Rhoose (Sth Glamorgan) was minus 2 C with a gale force easterly and heavy snow. How do I know this? Because I was the snowed in duty observer at the airport. However, those forecast charts are straight out of a computer somewhere - and who cares if it is right or wrong? The media can always blame the Met Office - easy target.
  21. I spoke to soon about the reaction to my covid jab. Approaching the 24 hour since injection mark, I suddenly felt very tired and very cold. It was just as the leaflet said - early flu symptoms, although I don't have a headache. Went to bed and slept for an hour, but continue to feel cold. I took my temperature and it was 37.0C which is surprisingly normal given my shivers. Oh well, at least it proves my immune system is reacting to the vaccine. My advice is, do not try and do anything important on the day after your jab.
  22. Another bright but very cold and breezy start in North Somerset. Yesterday started like this but then clouded over which made it feel even colder as no sun was coming through the windows. I had my eleventh hour 'don't do it Dad' text from my youngest son who is an anti-vaxxer and flat earth obsessive. I told him my mind was made up, but when Bill Gates instructs me via a 5G phone mast to murder everyone in my street, he can come to court later at the trial and say 'told you so'. He seemed quite content with that. The starlings have become used to the spikes around the squirrel proof table bird feeder, but fatty the wood pigeon is not going to give up. He comes along on a regular basis even though each time he goes away empty handed (or beaked). I'm not sure which logic he is working to; maybe everything will come to he who visits often enough?
  23. Had my Covid vaccine at lunchtime at the local medical centre. I was surprised that I never felt anything when the nice lady stabbed me with the syringe needle. In fact, I was still waiting for the pain when she told me it was all done. Astra-Zeneca for me apparently. On the subject of twins. I wonder how many there are out there who don't have their birthdays on the same day? There must be a few women who give birth to babies either side of midnight.
  24. Another bright and cold morning in North Somerset. The ice on the pond was about an inch thick yesterday when I tried to break it up with a spade. I think this is becoming a routine doomed to failure as more water freezes. Who would I like to be stranded with? Probably Miriam Margolyes because she is such a single minded person.
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