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Everything posted by neilabe

  1. They really are the most superb models and after seeing those pics and vids I have a feeling I'll be emailing Quentin again very soon. If my bank manager hauls me in for a good dressing down I'll have to tell him that Steve Fay made me do it!
  2. I was wondering exactly the same thing. I've written to Golden Age Models a few times to express an interest in placing an order and never had a reply or acknowledgement.
  3. You'll notice they didn't say which October. I'm terrified that my GWR model railway will be nationalised before I get hold of Tintagel Castle and the 28XX!
  4. I've also been waiting patiently for over a year for Tintagel Castle and the 12-wheel Pullmans, checking websites every day ready to thrash my credit card. I can't think of any other retail sector where the customers are treated so badly. What other industry would even think of producing a catalogue full of things you can't buy!
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