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hornby hst

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Everything posted by hornby hst

  1. hi everyone thanks for the tips i have two large peices of wood witch will fit a decent sice layout of my liking the class 86 still got it just sitting on a peice of track on top of my telly my layout will not be of eny era so more of a run your own trains layout as i like many trains of differant liveres my local model shop is called bolton model mart and they sell model trains track etc i will u updated on plans one question before i go can u use drawing pins to pin track down as have a bad nerves in my right hand i find it hard to hold steady small things bye for now
  2. thanks ive already got track and some coaches and various wagons i just want new track and the train i owned broke witch is class 86 les ross
  3. hi people my name is Erik im 20 yrs old and been in to trains since i was five i always wanted a big layout so i could run long express trains but cant due to onli havin a one bed flat so im goin to build a L shaped layout with a station for dmu`s and a tmd for a bowt 5 or 6 trains most trains i will buy will be from the Hornby railroad due to bein on job seekers things to do to get layout sorted: sort out space for layout buy new track buy trains for layout buy scenic stuff buy cars and people hope to hear from people with advice and help work on layout shuld start soon
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